vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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Colorscheme shine (and others) unexpected color change for .cmd and .bat files #228

Closed fourbarlinkage closed 1 year ago

fourbarlinkage commented 1 year ago

For .cmd and .bat files, the latest colorschemes (02-22-2023) with the latest Windows nightly build of Vim, now displays any lines starting with :: (two colons used for comment lines) using a white foreground and red background. I always use colorscheme shine, but I tried a few other colorschemes and they also do this. I hope this is a bug and not intentional. Please restore the colors to the way they were prior to this last release of colorschemes.

Thank you.

habamax commented 1 year ago

Most likely related to vim syntax files not colorschemes.

This is the latest shine in windows GVim 9.0.1314:


This is zellner where comments are red by design: image

fourbarlinkage commented 1 year ago

I thought it could be a Vim syntax issue after I posted. Can you try with 9.0.1341 before I report on Vim Use? Thanks

gdupras commented 1 year ago

The dosbatch runtime files were updated on 2023-02-20 here:

:help dosbatch.vim now says this:

The original MS-DOS supports an idiom of using a double colon (::) as an
alternative way to enter a comment line.  This idiom can be used with the
current Windows Command Interpreter, but it can lead to problems when used
inside ( ... ) command blocks.  You can find a discussion about this on
Stack Overflow -

To allow the use of the :: idiom for comments in the Windows Command
Interpreter or working with MS-DOS bat files, set the
dosbatch_colons_comment variable to anything: >

   :let dosbatch_colons_comment = 1
habamax commented 1 year ago

I have update vim on windows and can see what you mean now. image

It is syntax related as @gdupras confirmed earlier, closing...

fourbarlinkage commented 1 year ago

Thank everyone for their replies. Problem solved.