vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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PmenuKind*, PmenuExtra* #236

Open habamax opened 1 year ago

habamax commented 1 year ago

A new set of highlights landed into vim:

I have added support for wildcharm and eventually will add to lunaperche, retrobox and habamax.

For others I wouldn't do anything for now (unless you feel you need it).


habamax commented 1 year ago

@lifepillar you may want to add it into colortemplate syntax.


romainl commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the heads-up.

As I see it, this would be the plan:

Step 1: update colortemplate and check_colors.vim so that authors can use those new groups if they want. Step 2: consider whether we want that level of specificity for the existing colorschemes on a case-by-case basis.

The new groups are linked to Pmenu and PmenuSel by default, though, so there is no emergency.

lifepillar commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the heads up! Colortemplate updated accordingly.