vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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Add some ScreenShots #242

Closed chrisbra closed 9 months ago

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

Hi, I thought, it may make sense to add some screenshots so that users can easily see how each colorscheme will look like.

It might also show some deficiencies, e.g. I noticed the visual highlighting for the habamax colorscheme with 'termguicolors' is quite bad cc @habamax fyi.

Anyhow, I tried to include different filetypes with different settings (with termguicolors and without termguicolors (in which case I used 256colors)) and the proper background setting dark except for delek, morning, peachpuff, shine and zellner which seem to use a light background. I tried to make this as reproducible as possible, by always mentioning with which revision a colorscheme and the target filetype has been snapshoted.

Also while at it, I generate a small toc for the main Readme and added a link to the new

habamax commented 1 year ago

@chrisbra I use it with termguicolors in several terminals, tested in xterm, alacritty, st, urxvt, gnome-terminal...


This is how it is supposed to look.

habamax commented 1 year ago

Though I have never checked putty. Will check it.

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

hm, strange that

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing bizarre discrepancies regarding the statusline in all of those screenshots.
You also don't seem have a bold font configured, which is the only typographic element we've really relied on as it's usually enabled out of the box or easy to enable, and safe to use. Off the top of my head, retrobox, lunaperche and quiet (especially its light version) rely on that for their highlighting.

I'll play around with putty and a vm during the day.

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

I have no idea how to configure a bold font with putty. It's using basically default settings, except for the font, which is the one mentioned in the

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

The relevant options should be under the Window menu, in the Colours and Fonts subcategories.

For what it's worth, I can't reproduce any of the issues I noticed in the screenshots using putty 0.74, connected to an alpine vm running vim 9.0.1429, a fresh clone of the repository, ncurses6.3 with the additional terminfo package and TERM set to either xterm, xterm-256color, or putty.

Things only got a bit rough when termguicolors was combined with setting TERM to putty before installing the additional terminfo definitions.

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

A few more comments, as all the screenshots have to be taken again:

  1. We probably want to use a bigger typeface in those screenshots. Our perception of colors and brightness depends a lot on how densely populated a character cell is, and the softer colorschemes are hit pretty hard by this. Your screenshots are a bit better than my own smallest testing scenario (an 8x16 bitmap font) but going up a few point sizes would be nice.

  2. quiet, retrobox and wildcharm are dual background colorschemes.

  3. The lack of a bold typeface is a major issue. At least half of the colorschemes use bold as part of their syntax highlighting. Nearly all use bold characters in some way.

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

okay, I'll rework

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

regarding Fonts, I have only 1 Font setting, not sure where bold fonts should be configured: grafik

Does that mean, a default putty config does not work? Or what exactly needs to be re-configured to have nice putty colors?

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

Colours and fonts on my linux machine. Out of the box, putty seems configured to use bright colors to represent bold, and doesn't have a bold typeface configured. Checking the option to change the font for bold characters without defining one should force it to extrapolate those characters, but it will be ugly compared to a dedicated typeface.

I remember running putty on windows about a year ago and being able to configure it how I wanted. It has an absolutely terrible configuration system, even for a windows app: remember to save a session profile when you're done or you will lose everything.

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

yes exactly, that's why I like it. It absolutely simple and lightweight (and I have been using it for 20 years) :)

habamax commented 1 year ago

@chrisbra windows putty

image image

romainl commented 1 year ago

Well, bold or not, all the "termguicolors" screenshots in this submission are broken so they can't really be used to show off. Does PuTTY actually support 24bit colors?

Besides, a similar effort has already been started in the wiki:, which, I think, is a better place for this.

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

yes, putty supports termguicolors. I have actually contributed to that patch.

romainl commented 1 year ago

Well, it doesn't seem to do it correctly, or there is something else going on.

This is zaibatsu in iTerm2 on macOS, with termguicolors:

Capture d’écran 2023-03-28 à 12 14 52

Now compare that screenshot to this one you took in PuTTY, with termguicolors:


The status line is broken in PuTTY, for this colorscheme and all the others.

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

not sure what happened there, I just tried it again: grafik

as far as I can see, it looks exactly as it should (including the white statusline)

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

so how about this one:


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' and 'light' background grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors and 'light' background grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' and 'light' background grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors and 'light' background grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' and 'light' background grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors and 'light' background grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' and 'light' background grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors and 'light' background grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors grafik


putty with 'termguicolors' and 'light' background grafik

putty without 'termguicolors' and 256 colors and 'light' background grafik

chrisbra commented 1 year ago

oh and now I remember why I never enabled bold typefaces. I hate the bold terminal look and I would hate it, if default colorschemes relied on that.

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

@chrisbra Most if not all of the old colorschemes already relied on bold elements. It might be more obvious after we harmonized all the variants, but it's only a surprise because you deprived yourself of an information channel that vim uses just about everywhere. As for hating the look, whatever font you're using seems badly extrapolated.

I still don't get why there are inconsistencies in the statusline and visual selections. I couldn't reproduce any of them yesterday. To be honest, the whole thing seems like a great example of why vim was allowed to ship with unbelievably broken colorschemes for so long :laughing: