vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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Zaibatsu: cursor visibility issue #251

Open romainl opened 6 months ago

romainl commented 6 months ago

(from an email received on my personal address, user says they can't use GitHub)


I use zaibatsu in vim as my colortheme, i have 2 problems:


i find insert-mode the match bucket is white background is confilict with cursor color,

so i can not notice where is cursor position.



when cursor position at |,the () bucket will highlight white background, and can not notice where is cusror.

Another question is: the status bar background is white, i think it not look good for an dark color theme. may be status bar is good look.

please fix zaibatsu, thanks ;p

habamax commented 6 months ago

it probably is more about gvim and less so tui vim:





habamax commented 6 months ago

Although, in TUI it is a bit easier if cursor shape is not being changed between normal/insert:


but if terminal cursor is white -- it would be indeed quite confusing no matter cursor shape..

romainl commented 6 months ago

MatchParen is reverse while Cursor has a yellow background so there will indeed be a problem if the bracket under the cursor is yellow.

I can fix it by giving MatchParen explicit color attributes.