vim / vim-appimage

AppImage for gVim
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Vim AppImage configuration not persisting across sessions #64

Closed KevinGIRAULT closed 6 months ago

KevinGIRAULT commented 6 months ago

I have encountered an issue with the Vim AppImage where the configuration settings are not persisting across sessions. Each time I close Vim and reopen it, I have to specify the vimrc file again, and plugins need to be reinstalled using pluginstall.

Expected Behavior: I expect Vim AppImage to retain the configuration settings and installed plugins between sessions, allowing for a seamless and persistent user experience.

Steps to Reproduce:

Download Vim AppImage.
Open Vim using the AppImage.
Specify a vimrc file and install plugins.
Close Vim.
Reopen Vim using the AppImage.

Actual Result: The configuration settings and installed plugins are not retained, and Vim starts with default settings.

You might think it's just a :source /path/to/folder/.vimrc but it's really annoying, for example for the codeium plugin (an alternative to copilot) where you have to enter your token each time, via the browser.


Operating System: MXlinux 21.3 (Wildflower)
Vim Version: Vim: v9.1.0029 (

Thank you

chrisbra commented 6 months ago

Specify a vimrc file and install plugins.

What does that mean?

KevinGIRAULT commented 6 months ago

Specify a vimrc file and install plugins.

What does that mean?

:source path/to/.vimrc and PlugInstall of vim-plug plugin manager

Thank you for you reply.

chrisbra commented 6 months ago

so you need to re-source the vimrc after restart. Did you do that?

KevinGIRAULT commented 6 months ago

That's precisely the problem.

I have to do it again and again. Because all the configuration is lost, a blank vim with no configuration.

chrisbra commented 6 months ago

so is the question about how to use a different vimrc file then?

chrisbra commented 6 months ago

Please read the documentation on :h .vimrc about what places for initialization files are searched for.

chrisbra commented 6 months ago

I tested it. The appimage loads your usual vimrc file. It seems you do not have a specific problem with this repository but rather a usage question. Please use to ask user questions.