vim / vim-appimage

AppImage for gVim
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included libraries; recent xz-utils / liblzma compromise #69

Closed mralusw closed 2 months ago

mralusw commented 6 months ago

I ran

$ GVim-v9.1.0228.glibc2.29-x86_64.AppImage &
$ ls -d /tmp/.mount*  # get auto-mounted AppDir
# /tmp/.mount_GVim-vRwbSEr

$ ldd /tmp/.mount_GVim-vRwbSEr/usr/bin/vim | grep -E 'lzma|systemd|perl|ruby|python|lua' => /tmp/.mount_GVim-vRwbSEr/usr/bin/../lib/ (0x00007efc1b9f4000) => /tmp/.mount_GVim-vRwbSEr/usr/bin/../lib/ (0x00007efc1b600000) => /tmp/.mount_GVim-vRwbSEr/usr/bin/../lib/ (0x00007efc1b200000) => /tmp/.mount_GVim-vRwbSEr/usr/bin/../lib/ (0x00007efc1ac00000) => /tmp/.mount_GVim-vRwbSEr/usr/bin/../lib/ (0x00007efc19cc2000) => /tmp/.mount_GVim-vRwbSEr/usr/bin/../lib/ (0x00007efc19c74000)

Two things to note here:

$ GVim-v9.1.0228.glibc2.29-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-offset
$ dd if=GVim-v9.1.0228.glibc2.29-x86_64.AppImage of=/tmp/x.squashfs bs=193728 skip=1
# ...
$ file /tmp/x.squashfs
/tmp/x.squashfs: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, zlib compressed  # ...
chrisbra commented 6 months ago

yes, so we should not be affected. So anything to do for us here?

mralusw commented 6 months ago

On the compromise, no, we should be more than OK (but I thought I'd check).

I'm trying to figure out what's going on with the embedded languages. We clearly ship some libraries as ldd shows (and unlike what the release notes state).

I think the release notes are also wrong about installing those interpreters on the system — if they work at all, they will work with the builtin appimage version.

mralusw commented 6 months ago

Findings: all interpreters are currently configured with --enable-*interp. This means right now:

I've reconfigured my builds to include this in scripts/

CFG_OPTS+=( "--disable-pythoninterp" )
CFG_OPTS+=( "--enable-python3interp=dynamic" )
CFG_OPTS+=( "--with-python3-stable-abi=3.8" )

Only Python3 seems to have stable-ABI capabilities. On any system, one can set or whatever, and appimage-vim will use it. To simplify things, I've written a vim script to auto-search for an the appropriate "dll" (link below); it seems to work on at least Debian derivatives.

For the other interpreters , vimhelp says this about */dyn configurations:

The version of the shared library must match the $INTERP version Vim was compiled with.

… so for those, maybe non-dynamic is the least bad option.

What do you think should be done? I could

chrisbra commented 2 months ago

fixed by #70