Closed ViacheslavBurlaka closed 3 years ago
Hey @ViacheslavBurlaka!
In regards to styling you can simply set the CSS variables on the player you'd like to change. The documentation has a section on it
vm-player {
/* CSS variables go here. */
You can find all CSS variables here:
@mihar-22 thanks for your quick response!
of course, that link has undefinedp playback qualities:
I think it might be because the playlist manifest doesn't specify a resolution on the streams. Here's an example:
Have a problem!
./node_modules/@vime/core/dist/custom-elements/index.js 319:15
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (319:15)
File was processed with these loaders:
* ./node_modules/react-scripts/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js
You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
| timeout = setTimeout(() => {
| if (attempt === maxRetries) {
> onFail?.();
| return;
| }
maybe someone know what the hell is?
it's happened when I've installed 5.0.0 or higher version in my create-react-app: react 17.0.1 "@vime/core": "^5.0.0", "@vime/react": "^5.0.0", "react-scripts": "4.0.1"
I have to somehow fix this, TypeScript suddenly isn't transpiling optional chaining ?.
and Stencil doesn't let me change it. I'll look into it today.
Release is on the way right now to fix the ?.
problem. CI should release it in 5 minutes.
another error, when click fullscreen and back
Uncaught TypeError: _this$fullscreen2.destroy is not a function
It's possible there is a regression in the current 5.0.31 builds. I'm experiencing the same untranspiled "?." issue again, see
have some errors
when try to change dynamically src to another or just navigate to another link, have this error: Uncaught TypeError: _a.destroy is not a function
some of my test hls stream videos have list of undefinedp playback quality
dbclick on fullscreen doesn't close fullscreen
version latest (5.0.19 + hls + react)