Closed 1shaked closed 3 years ago
@1shaked in nuxt config, just add the package in the transpile array like this
build: {
transpile: ["@vime/vue", "@vime/core"]
I will try thanks will update soon
Absolutely! pleasure to help!
Works thanks
I am using Vime and with version 5.0.28 and that works fine when I upgrade to version 5.0.31 I get an error. When running local and with docker.
RROR in ./node_modules/@vime/core/dist/custom-elements/index.js 20:15
9 16.44 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (20:15)
9 16.44 You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
9 16.44 | timeout = setTimeout(() => {
9 16.44 | if (attempt === maxRetries) {
9 16.44 > onFail?.();
9 16.44 | return;
9 16.44 | }
9 16.44 @ ./node_modules/@vime/vue/dist/esm/index.js 1:0-84 1:0-84 1:0-84 1:0-84 1:0-84
9 16.44 @ ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib??ref--2-0!./node_modules/@nuxt/components/dist/loader.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./components/test.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&
9 16.44 @ ./components/test.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&
9 16.44 @ ./components/test.vue
9 16.44 @ ./.nuxt/components/plugin.js
9 16.44 @ ./.nuxt/index.js
9 16.44 @ ./.nuxt/client.js
9 16.44 @ multi ./node_modules/@nuxt/components/lib/installComponents.js ./.nuxt/client.js
9 16.44
9 16.44 FATAL Nuxt build error
9 16.44
9 16.44 at WebpackBundler.webpackCompile (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:2127:21)
9 16.44 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
9 16.44 at async (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:2076:5)
9 16.44 at async (node_modules/@nuxt/builder/dist/builder.js:327:5)
9 16.44 at async (node_modules/@nuxt/cli/dist/cli-build.js:110:7)
9 16.44 at async (node_modules/@nuxt/cli/dist/cli-index.js:413:7)
9 16.44
9 16.44
9 16.44 ╭─────────────────────────────╮
9 16.44 │ │
9 16.44 │ ✖ Nuxt Fatal Error │
9 16.44 │ │
9 16.44 │ Error: Nuxt build error │
Bug Report
Vime version:
Current behavior: failed to build when running docker image
Steps to reproduce: create nuxt app add vime via install
and create a component with client only tag as a wrapper
` run docker build with version 5.0.31 and with version 5.0.28
Related code:
Other information: