vimeo / VIMVideoPlayer

Deprecated: Please use [PlayerKit]( instead.
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Subclass that uses AVQueuePlayer #29

Open hankjacobs opened 8 years ago

hankjacobs commented 8 years ago


I would like to add support for using AVQueuePlayer as the internal player. To do so, I am thinking of making changes that allow VIMVideoPlayer to be subclassed. I would then create a VIMQueueVideoPlayer class that subclasses VIMVideoPlayer. There are few approaches that I could take but I am thinking of doing the following:

Thoughts and feedback would be greatly appreciated before I make those changes.


alfiehanssen commented 8 years ago

Hey @hankjacobs,

Our small team is in crunch mode right now preparing for a major release in late January, not much bandwidth to dig in and provide pre-implementation input at the moment, but will try.

Can you provide some info on the use case you're pursuing? I.e. what will queue player unlock for you?

So you're aware, work we might take on soon:

cc @ghking @huebnerob

hankjacobs commented 8 years ago

Hey @alfiehanssen,

The idea behind wanting to use AVQueuePlayer is to offload playing a queue of items to the AVFoundation framework. I could certainly implement queuing myself (in the owning view controller or something similar) but that doesn't feel quite right since Apple provides AVQueuePlayer. I already have something functional that fits my use case. At some point soon, I will generalize my solution and submit a pull request.
