vimeo / VIMVideoPlayer

Deprecated: Please use [PlayerKit]( instead.
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AVPlayerItemStatusUnknown after several player.reset() and player.setUrl() #48

Open callmewa opened 8 years ago

callmewa commented 8 years ago

Issue Summary

A brief but thorough description of the issue.

Reproduction Steps

repeat the following code several times

playerView.player.reset() self.playerView.player.setURL(#validUrl)

Expected Behavior

after setURL player status becomes AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay regardless of repetition

Actual Behavior

player status permanently becomes AVPlayerItemStatusUnknown and will not recover with reset

callmewa commented 8 years ago

Swapped out VimVideoPlayer with piemonte/Player. Problem went away

alfiehanssen commented 8 years ago

cc @jasonhawkins