vimeo / VimeoNetworking

The Vimeo API iOS SDK
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Video files are nil / Can't Play Videos / Documentation is out of date #429

Open samgherman opened 3 years ago

samgherman commented 3 years ago

I bought a pro account so I can play videos in my app. All I wanted was a simple tutorial on how to play videos in my account in my app. I've been at this for hours now. I followed the documentation, which is out of date by the way as noted by other open issues, and no matter what I do "files" always return nil. Which I think is what I need to put in your PlayerKit Player. There literally is no documentation that connects VimeoNetworking and Playerkit. Repeating this... there is literally no documentation on how to play a video from Vimeo in any of Vimeo's documentation. And when your documentation is out of date it makes it even more frustrating because I have no idea what any of these additional parameters are that are now in all of your functions that are necessary to set this up.

Here is the deal. I THINK that I need to get a video object and then use one of the files in the files array to put that into the player kit's set function. BUT I don't even know what files returns.. it always returns nil. Is it supposed to be a string? What is this? This isn't even the issue at the moment, just noting that your documentation says nothing about this.

I've tried authenticating via access token, I've tried authenticating using the "default client" in your example. I successfully authenticate, but I get nil when I try and access the files from the files object.

I tried looking at almost every single open and closed issue. The scope I have is set to public, private, and video files.

After I authenticate it says I am successfully authenticated.

When I try to print( account.user?.name) it prints out my username.

When I try to print( account.user?.membership) I get nil.

When I try to print(account.user?.accountType.rawValue) I get 0.

func getVimeoVideos(){
        let vimeoClient = VimeoClient.defaultClient

   //This doesn't work
        let authenticationController = AuthenticationController(client: vimeoClient, appConfiguration: vimeoClient.configuration!, configureSessionManagerBlock: nil) // had to modify this because this is wrong in your documentation.

        authenticationController.clientCredentialsGrant { result in
            switch result {

            case .success(let account):
                print("Successfully authenticated with account: \(account)")
                print( account.user?.name) // returns my username 
                print( account.user?.membership) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge?.alt_text) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge?.badgeType) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge?.url) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge?.text) //nil
                print( account.accessToken) // returns a token
            case .failure(let error):
                print("error authenticating: \(error)")

     // this doesn't work either - I just repeated the same code twice I comment out one or the other depending on how I want to choose to fail.

        let authenticationController = AuthenticationController(client: vimeoClient, appConfiguration: vimeoClient.configuration!, configureSessionManagerBlock: nil)

        authenticationController.accessToken(token: "********************") { result in
            switch result
            case .success(let account):
                print("authenticated successfully: \(account)")
                print( account.user?.name) // my username
                print( account.user?.membership) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge?.alt_text) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge?.badgeType) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge?.url) //nil
                print( account.user?.membership?.badge?.text) //nil
                print(account.isAuthenticatedWithClientCredentials()) //false
                print(account.isAuthenticated()) //true
                print(account.user?.accountType.rawValue) //0
            case .failure(let error):
                print("failure authenticating: \(error)")

        let  request = Request<[VIMVideo]>(path: "/channels/*******/videos")

        let _ = vimeoClient.request(request) { [weak self] result in

            guard let strongSelf = self else

            switch result
            case .success(let response): // had to update this because its wrong in your documentation needs to be lowercase

                strongSelf.videos = response.model

                if let nextPageRequest = response.nextPageRequest
                    print("starting next page request")

                    let _ = vimeoClient.request(nextPageRequest) { [weak self] result in

                        guard let strongSelf = self else

                        if case .success(let response) = result
                            print("next page request completed!")
                            strongSelf.videos.append(contentsOf: response.model)
            case .failure(let error):
                let title = "Video Request Failed"
                let message = "\(request.path) could not be loaded: \(error.localizedDescription)"
                let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
                let action = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil)
                strongSelf.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)


    var videos: [VIMVideo] = []

            print("Video count: \(videos.count)") // 1
            if videos.count > 0 {
                let firstVideo = videos[0]

                print(firstVideo.files) // nil
                print(firstVideo.files?.count) // nil
                print(firstVideo.files?.first) // nil

                if let videoLink = firstVideo.files?.first as? String {
                    self.player.set(AVURLAsset(url: URL(string: videoLink)!))




Any help would be greatly appreciated

faixan23 commented 3 years ago

@samgherman I am facing a similar issue, are you able to resolve it yourself?

fmp6475 commented 3 years ago

I am facing the same issue now. But somehow I managed to extract the video URL using another third-party library called HCVimeoVideoExtractor. Maybe this provides a workaround to play videos on iOS natively.