vimeo / aframe-vimeo-component

Stream Vimeo videos into WebVR.
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[Update: Question] How to generate proper vimeo api key for starter app on glitch #19

Open konstantin55000 opened 4 years ago

konstantin55000 commented 4 years ago

Here in demo app in getstarted we have .env file ; e.q: VIMEO_TOKEN=d92a5561fec2b9fbe844033c3cc04aa2 ENV=dev none of the generated keys in admin area of , has not worked for me yet.

Could you please provide of working token (api key) ? or if maybe it is required to get vimeo pro or buisiness version, please let me know.

konstantin55000 commented 4 years ago

Hello vimeo team! thank you so much for update with link on generate token page. ( very convinient.

still, after generting token and paste in .ENV file on glitch video still does not loading vimeo api says the server responded with a status of 500 . can you please help, wat is missing yet?!/join/b3a4ab5e-ac94-4084-ba51-54c1af5b0754

content of .ENV file currently: " VIMEO_TOKEN= ..tokena9e2aaae53355 ENV=development " ps: current logined account user103580178 is Vimeo Pr , so api key for video availability should work.

tommypenner commented 4 years ago

What scopes are applied to the auth token?

konstantin55000 commented 4 years ago what scope generated by this starter apikey generator? Hello, thank you for attention.

konstantin55000 commented 4 years ago

other keys was generated with public scope. undfortn. no difference(

konstantin55000 commented 4 years ago

If this problem no solution, could you please insted add more good quality on basic example?

we very need good quality video to check loading speed, on this basic example instead we see this: " Placing high quality video src instead pixelated video in example

That can make 100% problem solution