vimeo / graph-explorer

A graphite dashboard powered by structured metrics
Apache License 2.0
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How do I set the correct timezone for graph-explorer for non-american time? #40

Closed thehaven closed 11 years ago

thehaven commented 11 years ago


I have my timezone in graphite setup to be: TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/London'

Graphs in graphite show the correct time but graphs in graph-explorer show offset (I assume North American default).

I can see references in timeserieswidget to setting the tz value correctly but am unsure where this needs to go or whether this is being wrapped by any other code.

Any help/pointers would be appreciated.


thehaven commented 11 years ago

Answering my own question, I found the file with the timezone variable. I have now set it to: timezone = "Europe/London" And the timezone is now correct.

Dieterbe commented 11 years ago

should mention in the README , 6afabc91aa6d84f3237062b4fee20ad2fc8cecc5 fixes that