vimeo / graph-explorer

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we should probably always render <prefix><unit> as unit #69

Closed Dieterbe closed 10 years ago

Dieterbe commented 10 years ago

@thepaul when user requests unit=MiB/s or unit=TB or whatever, we should probably always process the data as B/s or B.

why? flot/timeserieswidget automatically shows markers on the Y axis with prefixes if needed. if it's showing B but you have tens of millions on them, it will show labels such 10M, 20M, etc. say the user requests unit=kB and a value is 10M it would show as 10k kB, which seems pretty pointless and even confusing. I would rather have GE automatically show me 10M of unit B.

timeserieswidget actually supports a prefixes option allowing us to toggle between SI and IEC, we actually already leverage this through perferences (

so what I think we should do when we request unit=MiB is set unit=B and suffixes=binary