vimeo / player.js

Interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player.
MIT License
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Events don't work #1031

Closed jrglaber closed 3 months ago

jrglaber commented 4 months ago

I am loading the private video within the platform, but after loading the play, pause, ended and other events are not called correctly.

Below is my code for you to see:

<div :id="'video-vimeo-' + codigo" :class="embededClass ? 'embeded-video' : null" />
this.$nextTick().then(() => {
      ler player = new Player('video-vimeo-' + this.codigo, {
          id: this.codigo,
          width: this.width,
          height: this.height,
          loop: false
      player.on('play', event => {
          this.$emit('play', event)
      player.on('pause', event => {
          this.$emit('pause', event)
      player.on('ended', event => {
          this.$emit('ended', event)
      player.on('timeupdate', event => {
          this.$emit('timeupdate', event)
paulovictor237 commented 4 months ago

events are also not working in react native webview the same code in browser is working but in webview not

<html lang="en">
    <script src=""></script>

      style="border: 0"

    function addListeners() {
      const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
      const player = new Vimeo.Player(iframe);

      player.on('play', (e) => window.alert('asd'));


    setTimeout(addListeners, 1000);
roemermt commented 4 months ago

Seeing the same issue for vue-ionic ios builds. Fine in the browser but not in ios.

geoff-compknowhow commented 4 months ago

Our app is having the same issue.

On iOS devices, events are not being fired for the embedded player SDK. Events are working correctly on Android devices, and in the browser.

According to our customers, this issue started happening around yesterday afternoon.

frausto commented 4 months ago

Same issue we are seeing here

petrklus commented 4 months ago

Also not seeing events being fired - in our case it's in the browser (Chrome tested)

jrglaber commented 4 months ago

I call in vue web browser app. In localhost work correctly, but when build for production, don't work more.

rkrishnan8594 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. We're looking into this right now. For those encountering this issue in a web browser, can you provide steps for reproduction?

jrglaber commented 4 months ago

My system is for distance learning, so you need to be logged in to view it. But if someone here can get public access for you to test....

gratzc commented 4 months ago

Seeing this issue as well

jdreetz commented 4 months ago

For anyone that is seeing this issue not in an iOS app, could you put together and share a Code Pen (or similar), and list the environment the failure occurs in?

jdreetz commented 4 months ago

We just pushed an update that we think will resolve the issue. Let us know if you're still seeing it.

wyatttroutman commented 4 months ago

I was also experiencing this issue in a web browser, but I confirm it is now fixed in the last ~10 minutes. That fix appears to have worked for my environment.

jrglaber commented 4 months ago

Its work now 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

geoff-compknowhow commented 4 months ago

Everything is working as expected now.

Thanks Vimeo team!

gratzc commented 4 months ago

Working now, thanks team

jdreetz commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting the issue everyone! If anyone has a test case they can share, that was reproducing the issue previously, we'd appreciate it if you could post it here. Thanks!

lipflip commented 4 months ago

We also had this issue since last friday. Events were not working (Chrome & Firefox). Indeed fixed now. Thank you