vimeo / vimeo.php

Official PHP library for the Vimeo API.
Apache License 2.0
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Modified sort not working on /videos endpoint #210

Open tristangemus opened 5 years ago

tristangemus commented 5 years ago

'sort' => 'modified_time' does nothing

$args = [
    'sort' => 'modified_time',
    'direction' => 'desc',
    'page' => $page,
    'per_page' => 25

$headers = [];

$response = $client->request( sprintf( /users/%s/videos, self::VIMEO_ACCOUNT_NAME ), $args, 'GET', true, $headers );
03-CiprianoG commented 2 years ago

Really had a hard time with it.. I just found a work-around, this is my code: query: { sort: "last_user_action_event_date" } basically to the key sort put this value and it will follow the order you have on your vimeo dashboard, unfortunately you have to manually adjust the order of your videos but at least everything works, in my case the order is correct and everything is fine. Is annoying though that no deprecation or change is mentioned in the API Reference, Hope I've helped someone with this.