vimperator / vimperator-labs

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Some issues on PaleMoon 28.6 #826

Open mananapr opened 5 years ago

mananapr commented 5 years ago
Issue type:
Vimperator: 3.16.0 (created: 2019/07/01 12:53:42)
Firefox:    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.3 Firefox/60.9 PaleMoon/28.6.0

Firstly, vimperator is not reading the vimperatorrc file. This isn't that big of an issue but the status line isn't showing all the output either. It shows [No Name] instead of the current URL and also doesn't shows the current percentage of the page I have scrolled.

This image shows how the statusbar looks currently.

Expected behavior:

The statusbar should show the current url instead of [No Name] and it should read vimperatorrc

mentalisttraceur commented 4 years ago

Can confirm, also seeing both of these issues on both Linux and Windows.

On Windows, neither .vimperatorrc nor _vimperatorrc is loaded.

On both, I am using the most recent version of the vimperator plugin downloaded from the Releases page here on GitHub, since that was the most effortlessly accessible.


Vimperator: 3.16.0 (created: 2017/02/01 00:55:15)
Firefox:    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.1 Firefox/60.9 PaleMoon/28.4.0


Vimperator: 3.16.0 (created: 2017/02/01 00:55:15)
Firefox:    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:60.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.3 Firefox/60.9 PaleMoon/
JulioJu commented 4 years ago

Note that Vimperrator works better on Basilisk than on Palemoon. On Basilisk, we see the current URL and also the current percentage of the page.

@mentalisttraceur @mananapr @gkatsev What do you think about Basilisk ? Why do you cite only Palemoon ?

If I understand well, the problem with .vimperatorrc could be resolve thanks (the comment form @galenhuntington)

Maybe @gkatsev , you could give an official version of Vimperator for Basilisk ? As you are a member of vimperator-labs ? See also ? Probably a better approach ?

gkatsev commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't really have time to devote to this project. If PRs are made I could potentially get them reviewed and merged. Ideally, someone will start making PRs consistently and I could give them repo access.

mananapr commented 4 years ago

@mentalisttraceur I haven't really tried Basilisk so I can't say I have now switched to Firefox Quantum and have been using Tridactyl as a Vimperator replacement. Using a custom userChrome.css, I have hidden all the useless stuff, so I don't think I'll be going back to Palemoon (or Basilisk)

Anyway, thanks for your time everyone

mentalisttraceur commented 4 years ago

@mananapr I think you meant to reply to @JulioJu.

But speaking of Tridactyl, does searching the page work right for you on it? For me / to search works, but then n doesn't actually cycle to the next search result, which makes it useless for almost every situation where I need search.

@JulioJu I didn't know Basilisk was ready for daily use? I just tried it and it seems to be more featureful than Pale Moon so that's nice.

I'll give it a whirl, though I'm put off by the difficulty locating full source code and build instructions for it (the UXP source code repository might be it, but that's not clear).

mananapr commented 4 years ago

@mentalisttraceur yes you are right, sorry about that As for the search issue, n doesn't cycle to the next result, you have to use Control+G and Control+Shift+G to cycle and cycle in reverse respectively. I know these keybindings are not ideal but I can live with it

JulioJu commented 4 years ago


You could download it from or For build, you could check Actually I still use Waterfox, no tested Basilik.

I don't like tridactyl.

mentalisttraceur commented 4 years ago

@mananapr Thank you! That is great to know.

But also good news! I went digging in the Tridactyl issue tracker and found a solution to the search issue:

:bind / fillcmdline find :bind ? fillcmdline find -? :bind n findnext 1 :bind N findnext -1

And :clearsearchhighlight (default aliases: :clsh, :nohlsearch :noh) to clear the search highlighting.

Apparently they have their own page search implemented, it is just not on by default.

Still not getting too attached, because given Mozilla's track record lately I am fully expecting they will break the userChrome.css UI hiding or something else in my setup within a couple of years, but this is most of the way towards a tolerable setup.

@JulioJu Yeah, I share your frustrations - Tridactyl has a lot of little flaws and differences vs. Vimperator (or Quotebrowser, etc) that I don't like too.

Anyway, thanks for the links - I had seen them before but now I took a closer look at the UXP repo releases page and I see that there is source code for Basilisk in there too, just buried under some more recent Palee Moon releases.

JulioJu commented 4 years ago

As I say at , you could use vimperator-classic :-) !