vinanrra / Docker-7DaysToDie

7 days to die server using LinuxGSM in Docker with backups, monitor, auto-installable mods and more
GNU General Public License v3.0
209 stars 42 forks source link

Having trouble running second server along side the first. #195

Closed njakes closed 8 months ago

njakes commented 11 months ago

I was able to get the first server running just fine. However, we wanted to try out Undead Legacy. So I started up a second container and changed the ports to: 26903:26903/tcp, 26903:26903/udp, 26904:26904/udp, 26905:26905/udp. The container starts up just fine and downloads everything. Once sdtdserver details shows it is running but not listening on any ports. When I try to connect directly with ip and port in the game it says "Could not retrieve server information". I have the ports forwarded on my router. Not sure exactly whats wrong since the first server I started with the default ports is running just fine still.

I am assuming that this is something to do with the port mapping. I don't believe that it is anything on my network side because the ports are forwarded to the router.

Ideally I would like to run two servers side by side so we can test to see which one we would like to keep.


version: '2'
    image: vinanrra/7dtd-server
    container_name: 7dtdserver-undead-legacy
      - START_MODE=1 #Change between START MODES
      - VERSION=stable # Change between 7 days to die versions
      - PUID=1000 # Remember to use same as your user
      - PGID=1000 # Remember to use same as your user
      - TimeZone=America/Chicago # Optional - Change Timezone
      - TEST_ALERT=NO # Optional - Send a test alert
      - UPDATE_MODS=YES # Optional - This will allow mods to be update on start, each mod also need to have XXXX_UPDATE=YES to update on start
      - ALLOC_FIXES=NO # Optional - Install ALLOC FIXES
      - ALLOC_FIXES_UPDATE # Optional - Update Allocs Fixes before server start
      - UNDEAD_LEGACY=yes # Optional - Install Undead Legacy mod, if DARKNESS_FALLS it's enable will not install anything
      - UNDEAD_LEGACY_VERSION=stable # Optional - Undead Legacy version
      - UNDEAD_LEGACY_UPDATE=yes # Optional - Update Undead Legacy mod before server start
      - DARKNESS_FALLS=NO # Optional - Install Darkness Falls mod, if UNDEAD_LEGACY it's enable will not install anything
      - DARKNESS_FALLS_UPDATE=NO  # Optional - Update Darkness Falls mod before server start
      - DARKNESS_FALLS_URL=False # Optional - Install the provided Darkness Falls url
      - ENZOMBIES=NO # Optional - Install EnZombies mod
      - ENZOMBIES_ADDON_SNUFKIN=NO # Optional - Install EnZombies addon mod
      - ENZOMBIES_ADDON_ROBELOTO=NO # Optional - Install EnZombies addon mod
      - ENZOMBIES_ADDON_NONUDES=NO # Optional - Install EnZombies addon mod
      - ENZOMBIES_UPDATE=NO # Optional - Update EnZombies mod and addons before server start
      - CPM=NO # Optional - CSMM Patron's Mod (CPM)
      - CPM_UPDATE=NO # Optional - Update CPM before server start
      - BEPINEX=NO # Optional - BepInEx
      - BEPINEX_UPDATE=NO # Optional - Update BepInEx before server start
      - BACKUP=YES # Optional - Backup server at 5 AM
      - MONITOR=YES # Optional - Keeps server up if crash
      - /mnt/data/games/7dtd-undead-legacy/game:/home/sdtdserver/.local/share/7DaysToDie/
      - /mnt/data/games/7dtd-undead-legacy/lgsm-config:/home/sdtdserver/lgsm/config-lgsm/sdtdserver
      - /mnt/data/games/7dtd-undead-legacy/server-files:/home/sdtdserver/serverfiles/ # Optional - serverfiles folder
      - /mnt/data/games/7dtd-undead-legacy/logs:/home/sdtdserver/log/ # Optional - Logs folder
      - /mnt/data/games/7dtd-undead-legacy/backups:/home/sdtdserver/lgsm/backup/ # Optional - If BACKUP=NO, backups folder
      - 26903:26903/tcp # Default game ports
      - 26903:26903/udp # Default game ports
      - 26904:26904/udp # Default game ports
      - 26905:26905/udp # Default game ports
      #- 8089:8089/tcp # OPTIONAL - WEBADMIN
      - 8083:8083/tcp # OPTIONAL - TELNET
      #- 8084:8084/tcp # OPTIONAL - WEBSERVER
    restart: unless-stopped # INFO - NEVER USE WITH START_MODE=4 or START_MODE=0

**Edit sdtdserver monitor produces [ OK ] Monitoring sdtdserver: Querying port: tcp: : 0/1: DELAY

sdtdserver details has this DESCRIPTION PORT PROTOCOL LISTEN Game 26903 udp 0 Game+2 26905 udp 0 Query 26903 tcp 0 Web Interface 0 tcp 1 Telnet 8081 tcp 0

vinanrra commented 8 months ago

I can't test this, so i can't help you, because my machine only supports 1 server due to RAM.