vince7lf / aerial_wildlife_detection

Tools for detecting wildlife in aerial images using active learning
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Sauvegarder les annotations avec le ms.geojson #65

Open vince7lf opened 1 year ago

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

Sauvegarder les annotations avec le ms.geojson et pour chaque image, dans la section "properties".

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "Location": "2019-Boucherville-13225474-13410695_TIFF_tile_1_1.jpg" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -73.46664, 45.626179 ], [ -73.466639, 45.626179 ], [ -73.466639, 45.626178 ], [ -73.46664, 45.626178 ], [ -73.46664, 45.626179 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "Location": "2019-Boucherville-13225474-13410695_TIFF_tile_1_2.jpg" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -73.466639, 45.626179 ], [ -73.466637, 45.626179 ], [ -73.466637, 45.626178 ], [ -73.466639, 45.626178 ], [ -73.466639, 45.626179 ] ] ] } },
vince7lf commented 1 year ago

WIP; has the SQL to extract the labels and images; next is to get the geojson path, open the geojson template (no annotation), update the image properties with the annotation info of the geojson, and save the geojson. Multiple geojson possible.

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

SQL to extract the tiles of the project and its annotation labels. will be saved into the geojson.

select image_id, annotation_id, labelclass_id, time_annotated, date_image_added, time_requested_image, image_path_filename, labelclass_name, labelclass_index, vascan_id, bryoquel_id, coleo_vernacular_fr, coleo_vernacular_en, vascan_region, vascan_province
, vascan_port, vascan_statut_repartition, tsn, coleo_category from (

SELECT as annotation_id,
                        t.timecreated as time_annotated,
                        img.*, lc.*
                    FROM "test-jpg-gps-1"."annotation" AS t

                    JOIN (SELECT annotation, label
                        FROM "test-jpg-gps-1"."annotation_label"
                    ) AS al
                    ON = al.annotation

                    JOIN (
                        SELECT id AS image_id, filename as image_path_filename, date_added AS date_image_added, last_requested AS time_requested_image
                        FROM "test-jpg-gps-1"."image"
                    ) AS img
                    ON t.image = img.image_id

                            JOIN (SELECT id AS labelclass_id, name AS labelclass_name, idx AS labelclass_index, vascan_id, bryoquel_id, coleo_vernacular_fr, coleo_vernacular_en, vascan_region, vascan_province
, vascan_port, vascan_statut_repartition, tsn, coleo_category
                                FROM "test-jpg-gps-1"."labelclass"
                            ) AS lc
                            ON al.label = lc.labelclass_id

) as s
vince7lf commented 1 year ago

"image_id" "annotation_id" "labelclass_id" "time_annotated" "date_image_added" "time_requested_image" "image_path_filename" "labelclass_name" "labelclass_index" "vascan_id" "bryoquel_id" "coleo_vernacular_fr" "coleo_vernacular_en" "vascan_region" "vascan_province" "vascan_port" "vascan_statut_repartition" "tsn" "coleo_category" "9412dfed-39ef-475c-ad0a-9b1b5e44c42e" "da77429e-0975-42d6-9a4d-f6b244988182" "3c951bc8-44a8-11ed-ab52-75d2e298a4cb" "2022-10-14 15:59:19.436443-04" "2022-10-14 15:31:01.080501-04" "2022-10-14 15:57:17.280729-04" "1imageJPEG/2019-Boucherville-13225474-13410695_JPEG_tile/2019-Boucherville-13225474-13410695_JPEG_tile_4_7.jpg" "Carex annectens" 4 4737 "carex à gaine tronquée" "yellow-fruited sedge" "Central" "Québec" "Plante herbacée" "Indigène" "plantes" "a055e2fa-365c-4a3d-9c1e-cba67aa25d16" "b2a87d05-7caa-42e8-a26a-50bbffd4f155" "3c9517cc-44a8-11ed-ab52-75d2e298a4cb" "2022-10-14 15:59:19.44469-04" "2022-10-05 09:14:30.543295-04" "2022-10-14 15:57:17.280729-04" "test-geojpg/2019-Boucherville-13225474-13410695_tile/2019-Boucherville-13225474-13410695_tile_3_4.jpg" "Carex alopecoidea" 3 4734 "carex alopécoïde" "foxtail sedge" "Central" "Québec" "Plante herbacée" "Indigène" "plantes"

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

geojson created ; tests in progress

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

compléter sauf : URL image avec le host:port du host server selon l'environnement ; WIP avec variable environnement AIDE_HOST_ENV_TAG