vince7lf / aerial_wildlife_detection

Tools for detecting wildlife in aerial images using active learning
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Générer le fichier map du projet AIDE #71

Open vince7lf opened 1 year ago

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

générer le fichier map-layer pour chaque ms.geojson en utilisant un modèle. Mettre à jour NAME, CONNECTION, DATA, "wfs_title", "wfs_extent" ? EXTENT du fichier principal ? inclure fichier map-layer au fichier map principal (avec INCLUDE)

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

integration presque complété; extent de l'image à extraire du geojson et à utiliser dans le map file; tester avec deux images dans le répertoire

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

fixes to do :


NAME "testnamelayer"

{"type": "FeatureCollection", "name": "", "crs": {"type": "name", "properties": {"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"}}, "features": [{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"fid":"0", "Location": "2019-Boucherville-13225474-13410695_JPEG_tile_1_1.jpg"}, "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-73.46664, 45.626179], [-73.466639, 45.626179], [-73.466639, 45.626178], [-73.46664, 45.626178], [-73.46664, 45.626179]]]}},

Use the browser debugger to see the result gml/xml processed with request getfeature. help see the warnings. http://localhost:7788/ms/wfs_aide?SRS=EPSG:4326&VERSION=1.0.0&COUNTS=100&REQUEST=getfeature&SERVICE=WFS&TYPENAME=testnamelayer

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

add "layer-" in front of the layer name i.e. "layer-2019-Boucherville-13225474-13410695_JPEG_tile"

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

fid : no need

vince7lf commented 1 year ago

done. Testing with QGIS is a real pain as there is an issue with the parsing. Even with image not starting with a digit. getcapabilities and getfeature works fine in a browser. will reopen issue