vinceglb / FileKit

Pick and save Files, Medias and Folder for Kotlin Multiplatform / KMP and Compose Multiplatform / CMP
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Problems when creating Release Distributable for Desktop with Proguard #56

Open PMARZV opened 4 days ago

PMARZV commented 4 days ago

When creating an optimized and ofuscated release distributable in Compose Desktop, there seems to be problems with JNA. Could it be possible if you created a proguard rules file for the library? Captura de pantalla 2024-07-05 174346 Captura de pantalla 2024-07-05 173458

vinceglb commented 3 days ago

Thanks for reporting this!

I'm trying to reproduce the crash but for now I didn't succeed. Here are the steps I tried:

compose.desktop {
    application {
        mainClass = "MainKt"

        nativeDistributions {
            targetFormats(TargetFormat.Dmg, TargetFormat.Msi, TargetFormat.Deb)
            packageName = "io.github.vinceglb.sample.compose"
            packageVersion = "1.0.0"

        // New here
        buildTypes.release.proguard {

But the app worked like expected, it didn't crash. Am I missing something?

Are you able to reproduce the crash using the sample-compose?

PMARZV commented 3 days ago

Packaging with Msi doesnt crash (proguardReleaseJars gradle task doesnt seem to be called when packageMsi is ran, so the package isnt being optimized or ofuscated, i guess). Thats why i said run the task createReleaseDistributable (which is calling proguardReleaseJars gradle task and crashing the sample-compose for me at least).

This is the error (edit. i forgot to mentioned that this is only happening with singlefilepicker) im getting without adding nothing in a file in compose-sample image

and the errors above mentioned (in the first comment) come from a proguard file i was tinkering with when trying to solve the problem:

-keep class com.sun.jna.** { *; }
-keep class com.sun.jna.platform.** { *; }

# Preserve structure field order and names
-keepclassmembers class com.sun.jna.Structure {
    java.util.List getFieldOrder();

# Ensure all fields in Structure$FFIType are preserved
-keepclassmembers class com.sun.jna.Structure$FFIType {

# Ensure all fields in are preserved
-keepclassmembers class {
    protected java.util.List getFieldOrder();

but even with the bare sample you have tested it fails with the java lang string error

vinceglb commented 3 days ago

I'm still trying to reproduce the crash. Without creating a proguard file, I can even build sample-compose using createReleaseDistributable on Windows and macOS due to proguard warnings.

On macOS, I manage to build and launch correctly the sample-compose by creating this proguard file:

-dontwarn kotlinx.datetime.**
-dontwarn org.slf4j.**
-keep class org.slf4j.**{ *; }
-keep class com.sun.jna.* { *; }
-keep class * implements com.sun.jna.* { *; }

But on Windows, I'm faced with more 100 000 proguard warnings. I tried the same proguard file and experiment with it but I failed to build the sample-compose app.

Are you using a proguard file to build the sample-compose app on Windows (even if it crashes at launch)?

PMARZV commented 3 days ago

just a proguard file with -ignorewarnings. if not it was not even working, exactly (i forgot to say it sorry). just tested your proguard file plus adding -ignorewarnings to be able to launch it on windows but it still fails when launching single file picker Error: image image

vinceglb commented 2 days ago

Thanks for your help, I'm now able to reproduce when using proguard and obfuscate.set(true).

I've been trying for 3 hours, but I don't find any solution for now... I have no idea what's going on here. I'll probably try later