vinceliuice / ChromeOS-theme

ChromeOS gtk theme for linux desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
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General fixes, improvements, and suggestions #27

Open LinuxLlama opened 3 years ago

LinuxLlama commented 3 years ago

Hey, Vince! I wrote an issue around a month ago, and I appreciate that you got those fixed! I'm back with a few more minor things I've noticed with your theme, along with a few suggestions.


GNOME Control Center inconsistency

The first thing I noticed has to do with the GNOME Control Center application. When selecting one of the options from the sidebar, it becomes highlighted in gray: Screenshot from 2020-11-20 10-45-54 I'm pointing this out because in other applications, such a GNOME Tweaks and Nautilus, use the accent color in this pill shape, as seen below: Screenshot from 2020-11-20 10-46-09 It would be nice if the GNOME Control Center was consistent with GNOME Tweaks. I've also seen this same inconsistency while flirting with your Orchis theme, which is also very well done! You may to look into this issue on that theme as well.

Text highlighting on certain applications

I briefly mentioned this issue before, and it still persists with, what I assume to be, Nautilus? When I save a file from my web browser, I get an interface like this: Screenshot from 2020-11-20 11-32-30 I am unable to see the text highlighted in the title bar. The highlight color must be the same as the background. What's weird is that this doesn't occur in the standard Nautilus interface, seen below: Screenshot from 2020-11-20 11-33-19 I'd love if this issue could be resolved, as it is the one I experience the most!

Darker colored title bars

I've noticed that some title bars use a darker color while some use a lighter color. I've seen this happen in Firefox, Thunar, and LibreOffice. Because of this issue, applications with a menu bar look like this: Screenshot from 2020-11-20 12-09-23 It would be great if the slimmer title bars matched the larger ones, used on GTK3 applications, like GNOME apps, and the menu bar. It would make desktop applications look a lot more streamlined and tidy.


ChromeOS refresh

If you haven't already seen, ChromeOS is getting a pretty heavy facelift. While it isn't finalized, you may find some new design elements worth considering to add to your already amazing theme! Here are some links which cover the refresh:

Flatpak support

While it isn't necessary, Flatpak support would be nice for those who use it. It really blows when a few applications don't follow the system theme, clashing with the rest of the interface!

vinceliuice commented 3 years ago

I'll fix this