vinceliuice / Colloid-gtk-theme

Colloid gtk theme for linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
908 stars 70 forks source link

[Everforest] ColorScheme not working correctly #159

Closed krstfz closed 1 month ago

krstfz commented 2 months ago


I've noticed that the Everforest color scheme doesn't show properly, neither in GTK3 apps (eg. Nemo) or specific GTK2 apps (eg. Nitrogen). No issues with other color schemes (Dracula, Nord and Gruvbox work flawlessly). Any help? Thanks for your hard work!

obrazek obrazek

nclslbrn commented 2 months ago


Thanks for reporting this, I'll try to reproduce this bug. How do you get these errors, is it during compilation and installation (./Colloid-gtk-theme/ ...) or is it by inspecting the theme with a particular tool ?

krstfz commented 2 months ago


nope, the compiling works fine. I've installed all the color schemes and the process went well without any errors whatsoever. I'm using "lxappearance" to set the themes in i3wm and it works with the other color schemes, no issues there.

The error message in Terminal occurs when I try to launch a gtk2 application through it (like Nitrogen). It doesn't happen with the other theme variants like Dracula etc.

Thanks again for your help, appreciate the quick response

nclslbrn commented 2 months ago

Yes, looks like something is missing here. Capture d’écran du 2024-05-02 19-27-57 .

nclslbrn commented 2 months ago

It should be fixed with these changes

krstfz commented 2 months ago

Awesome, thank you once again for your help and hard work. I really appreciate it.

vinceliuice commented 2 months ago

Fixed now