vinceliuice / Fluent-gtk-theme

Fluent design gtk theme for linux desktops
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.04k stars 53 forks source link

Notification take whole width #188

Open JoneBegood opened 2 weeks ago

JoneBegood commented 2 weeks ago

Hello and thanks for your great theme. Same problem as #180. Gnome version 46.0 Installed from here with and without --shell 46 and --icon arch, the problem always appears. The text is also displayed vertically. Image collée

vinceliuice commented 2 weeks ago

How did you run it, could you show me terminal output?

JoneBegood commented 2 weeks ago

./ -t red -c dark -s standard -i arch -l --tweaks solid black primary submenu --shell 46 Install arch icon for gnome-shell panel... Install solid version ... Install black version ... Change radio and check assets color ... Install with themed sub-menus ... Uninstalling /home/jon/.themes/Orchis-Red-Dark ... Install for gnome-shell version = 46.0 Installing '/home/jon/.themes/Orchis-Red-Dark'...

Link '/home/jon/.themes/Orchis-Red-Dark/gtk-4.0' to '/home/jon/.config/gtk-4.0' for libadwaita...

Done. Tried with and without the -i/--shell and the glitch is always there.

vinceliuice commented 2 weeks ago

What's your system version ?

vinceliuice commented 2 weeks ago

I test on my fedora but did not find any issue Screenshot from 2024-08-25 19-48-40

vinceliuice commented 2 weeks ago

Just run: ./ -t red -c dark -s standard -i arch -l --tweaks solid black primary submenu

vinceliuice commented 2 weeks ago

Without --shell 46 install shell will detective your shell version to install the right verison

JoneBegood commented 2 weeks ago

Oups, sorry just view that i posted this on the wrong theme, it's for orchis.

Just run: ./ -t red -c dark -s standard -i arch -l --tweaks solid black primary submenu

The Glitch also appends with this command

What's your system version ?

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Kernel: 6.10.6-zen1-1-zen DE: GNOME 46.4 WM: Mutter WM Theme: Orchis-Red-Dark Theme: Orchis-Red-Dark [GTK2/3]

I'm on X11 also, do you need more info?

vinceliuice commented 2 weeks ago

I see your panel is transparent, It's really Orchis-Red-Dark shell theme ? or used some gnome-shell extension make this ?

iamsubhranil commented 2 weeks ago

I can confirm changing the theme from Fluent to Adwaita fixes the notifications.

On Arch, Gnome 46.

$ ./ -c dark -s standard -i arch -l --tweaks noborder round blur

vinceliuice commented 2 weeks ago

But the theme you installed is Orchis not Fluent, Fluent do not support --shell option

JoneBegood commented 1 week ago

Sorry for the delay i was'nt @home.

I see your panel is transparent, It's really Orchis-Red-Dark shell theme ? or used some gnome-shell extension make this ?

Yes it's orchis, i use the "Transparent top bar" extension, the glitch appears also without any extension.

vinceliuice commented 1 week ago

Download the last Orchis on github and reinstall it again

JoneBegood commented 1 week ago

Done but the glitch is always there. I have try without any option but it does'nt work either.

vinceliuice commented 1 week ago

Download from here: I upload gnome 46 versions on this web, try this again to see if it's still this issue

JoneBegood commented 1 week ago

Nope, still glitchy. Apparently i'm the only one with this problem so don't use your time to fix this. I put notification on "do not disturb" and installed the Notification Alert extension.

vinceliuice commented 1 week ago

Run: gnome-shell --version and tell me the output

JoneBegood commented 1 week ago

Run: gnome-shell --version and tell me the output

09:17:38.932: Running GNOME Shell (using mutter 46.4) as a X11 window and compositing manager org.gnome.Shell already exists on bus and --replace not specified

vinceliuice commented 1 week ago

It's weird, you and I use the same gnome-shell version, but it works all good on my desktop, just I using fedora

PaladinLaw commented 1 week ago

Hi @JoneBegood

I just had the same problem today and managed to solve it.

I realised that after running ./ -u that Fluent was still available for selection as a theme for me.

I discovered that while I had the theme in ~/.local/share/themes, I ALSO has it in ~/.themes/

So after completely removing the theme with ./ -u and then also forcefully removing the (What I suspect was an old attempt) with rm -rf ~/.themes/Fluent I noticed that Fluent was no longer an option for me to chose (Leading me to believe that at least in my extensions it was looking at ~/.themes/Fluent rather than ~/.local/share/themes

I then reinstalled with the usual ./install, Fluent became an available option to chose as a theme again and upon switching to it, my notifications are now normal size.

Hope this maybe helps you or leads you in the right direction at least.

Best of luck!

JoneBegood commented 1 week ago

Hi @JoneBegood


I discovered that while I had the theme in ~/.local/share/themes, I ALSO has it in ~/.themes/

Not my case, i've only the ~/.themes/ directory in my home. Nothing in ~/.local/share/themes:

Thanks for the advice.

It's weird, you and I use the same gnome-shell version, but it works all good on my desktop, just I using fedora

Probably some other package.

Time will fix it or more and more people will complain :)

Thanks for the time and responses. Keep up the good work and enjoy your coffee ;)