vinceliuice / Graphite-gtk-theme

Graphite gtk theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
914 stars 51 forks source link

Inconsistent issues with snap applications #149

Open leoniscsem opened 6 days ago

leoniscsem commented 6 days ago

Ubuntu 22.04 GTK 42.9

# snap info
snapd 2.63
core18 20240612
core20 20240416
core22 20240408
gtk-common-themes 0.1-81-g442e511
gtk2-common-themes 0.2
# snap applications
beekeeper-studio 4.4.0
drawio 24.5.3
snap-store 41.3-77-g7dc86c8

Graphite settings: colorful nord dark normal (blue accent), linked to ~/.config/gtk-4.0.

I see various different issues with snap applications that obviously cannot connect with the GTK-theme layer. While other snaps not listed here fall back to Adwaita dark or even Yaru, the examples here are interesting since they show different results.

Canonical's own Snap Store This one actually has the worst outcome, since it not only lacks window decoration, but seems to be lost in its own half-adwait-ish environment. Check the corners and button size/padding - something went wrong here. snap-store-graphite

Beekeeper Studio Has window decoration, but inside it does not render the theme. I guess it is based on Qt. Usually no issues with Yaru. The dark mode comes from the app itself and is not related to the beekeeper-graphite I also suppose it is based on Qt, which usually is dovered by another KDE-related snap. Here we have the top window bar again, but nothing else. drawio-graphite

I can't tell what the snapcrafters' idea is to integrate GTK themes / libadwaita with their confined applications, or even where to start looking at issues. I guess this is a good use case to poke Canonical and remind them of certain inconveniences when running their beloved snaps.
