vinceliuice / Graphite-gtk-theme

Graphite gtk theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Inconsistencies between libadwaita apps and legacy applications #63

Open Raubion opened 2 years ago

Raubion commented 2 years ago

Hello Vince,

I understand it must be a lot of work to look after all your great themes, especially with gnome 42 introducing libadwaita, thereby breaking a lot of themes. I had previously already seen on Reddit that copying the gtk.css from /.themes to /.config/gtk-4.0 made it possible to theme libadwaita apps. I just received the 42 update and in fact, because I had Vimix installed my libadwaita apps were themed with Vimix even though I was using Graphite. This implies you are providing gtk.css files for your themes to theme libadwaita.

I was wondering if you could provide us with an update gtk.css for graphite gtk, addressing some inconsistencies I've noticed?

  1. I think currently, the most important inconsistency is with the background colors of list cards. With legacy applications these are bordered with a white line but flat due to the same background colour (see tweaks in the screenshot), and in libadwaita they have a kind of shadow, no line around it and differ in colour, for example when displaying the wallpaper menus in Settings (see second screenshot). It would be nice to have them consistently the same colour for the flat look of Graphite, bordered with a white line.

  2. The close, minimize and maximize buttons are bordered with a circle for libadwaita apps which isn't the case with legacy applications

  3. There are inconsistent lines underneath the headerbar. In my attached screenshot you can see that Extensions has the white line under the headerbar, whereas in Settings this is not the case.

  4. As mentioned in #56, there are unusually thick headerbars. I don't know if this is currently fixable.

[Edit] 5. I've in the meantime noticed another inconsistency. The selected menu item on the left pane is solid blue with white letters in the legacy app Tweaks (see first screenshot), whereas it is kind of transparent with solid blue letters in the libadwaita app.

Schermafdruk van 2022-05-14 13-58-02

Schermafdruk van 2022-05-14 14-18-42

netzgestaltung commented 1 year ago

Better then copying the files might be symlinking, so at theme updates one doesn't need to recopy.

Its possible with Nautilus drag&drop while holding the Ctrl AND Shift keys at the same time.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-08-31 10-40-20

At least it fixes the Gnome-Calculator and a lot of color issues (not the height issues)

I think about extending the to add these symlinks. It should be possible within the home folder. But some trouble ahead when switching themes without reinstall.