vinceliuice / Graphite-gtk-theme

Graphite gtk theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Oversized Dock #75

Open kaykhan opened 1 year ago

kaykhan commented 1 year ago

The dock seems to be oversized, you can see there is more space on the left, right and top than there needs to be


Im using ubuntu 22.04

./ --tweaks rimless darker


DannyRed99 commented 1 year ago

I solved opening the gnome-shell.css in home/.themes/Graphite-Dark-nord/gnome-shell and deleting all #dashtodock rows, then putting:

dashtodockContainer {

background-color: transparent; }

bottom #dashtodockDashScrollview, .top #dashtodockDashScrollview { -st-hfade-offset: 24px; }

.left #dashtodockDashScrollview, .right #dashtodockDashScrollview { -st-vfade-offset: 24px; }

dashtodockContainer .number-overlay {

color: white; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); text-align: center; }

dashtodockContainer #dash .dash-background {

background-color: #1c1f26; }

I'm using Graphite Dark Nord, however you can try tweaking it also if it doesn't work for you.

marianarfm commented 9 months ago

I solved opening the gnome-shell.css in home/.themes/Graphite-Dark-nord/gnome-shell and deleting all #dashtodock rows, then putting:

dashtodockContainer { background-color: transparent; }

bottom #dashtodockDashScrollview, .top #dashtodockDashScrollview { -st-hfade-offset: 24px; }

.left #dashtodockDashScrollview, .right #dashtodockDashScrollview { -st-vfade-offset: 24px; }

dashtodockContainer .number-overlay { color: white; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); text-align: center; }

dashtodockContainer #dash .dash-background { background-color: #1c1f26; }

I'm using Graphite Dark Nord, however you can try tweaking it also if it doesn't work for you.

Additionally, you can leave this part of the code too if you want to keep the color transition to a lighter tone when accessing the Activities overview or the applications list, otherwise the dock will always have the same color (it kinda blends in with the overview background color)

#dashtodockContainer:overview #dash .dash-background {
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);

I know this issue is 1-year-old by now but I was having the same problem with this theme and hopefully I can boost the solution a little for anyone looking for it