vinceliuice / Graphite-gtk-theme

Graphite gtk theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
917 stars 51 forks source link

The GDM theme only works with the "default" (white) theme #91

Closed mrmeszaros closed 1 year ago

mrmeszaros commented 1 year ago

It installs with --theme default, but not with any other option. Here is for example with orange:

vagrant@ubuntu2204 ~> sudo Sources/Graphite-gtk-theme/ --color dark --theme orange --tweaks normal --tweaks darker --gdm
GNOME Shell 42.5
Install Normal sidebar version! ...
Install darker version! ...

Install Graphite-orange-Dark GDM Theme...
/home/vagrant/Sources/Graphite-gtk-theme/src/main/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresource.xml: Failed to locate “assets/toggle-on-dark.svg” in any source directory.

I think I located the issue: the toggle-on-dark.svg is present inside src/assets/gnome-shell/theme but not in any of the src/assets/gnome-shell/theme${theme} directories (where theme is one of the colors).

Line 282 of the script is copying those SVG files:

I'd gladly fix this, but I am unsure how to fix it (I guess the other SVG files should be generated by some script).

vinceliuice commented 1 year ago
