Closed Hallelouia closed 6 years ago
Also seeing this on:
Monitor: 1080p Env: Gnome3 OS: Ubuntu 17.10 Browser: FF Dev 58.0b6
Looks like it was also a problem with materia:
^ also looks like the screenshots are grabbing the screenshot zone rectangle. huh.
MEE TO — I've been seeing this problem in Firefox since I updated to release 58.
@syskill this bug should be fixed now.
I use a QHD+ display (3200x1800) on my laptop with hiDPI setting (scaled by a factor of 2). This result in check boxes being way too big. Screenshots :
vimix dark ruby theme :
arc dark theme (for comparison) :
EDIT: Radio buttons are equally oversized.
Both screenshots are taken from the same web page in firefox nightly 59. link for testing : /!\ it's in french. DE/WM: Cinnamon 3.6 OS: Fedora27 (was identical in 26)