Whilst trying to update the Plasma Style from my System Settings in Manjaro (right after successfully updated the Global Theme), the following message appears:
The installation of /tmp/CONPgw-WhiteSur-dark.tar.gz failed, as the downloaded package does not contain any useful meta information, which means it is not a valid KPackage.
The file /tmp/CONPgw-WhiteSur-dark.tar.gz fails to open with Ark.
$ cd /tmp && ls -al *WhiteSur*
.rw-r--r-- 1843309 joe joe 13 Jul 22:37 RNTruk-com.github.vinceliuice.WhiteSur-dark.tar.gz
.rw-r--r-- 174112 joe joe 13 Jul 22:40 Tkibbl-WhiteSur-dark.tar.gz
.rw-r--r-- 174112 joe joe 13 Jul 22:42 NcxMzy-WhiteSur-dark.tar.gz
.rw-r--r-- 174112 joe joe 13 Jul 22:43 CONPgw-WhiteSur-dark.tar.gz
Whilst trying to update the
Plasma Style
from my System Settings in Manjaro (right after successfully updated theGlobal Theme
), the following message appears:The installation of /tmp/CONPgw-WhiteSur-dark.tar.gz failed, as the downloaded package does not contain any useful meta information, which means it is not a valid KPackage.
The file
fails to open with Ark.