vinceliuice / WhiteSur-kde

MacOS big sur theme for kde plasma
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Splash Screen Suggestion #76

Closed Red-Luci4 closed 7 months ago

Red-Luci4 commented 1 year ago

Should there be Continuous-Rotation-Animation or Image-Sequence-Animation in the Splash Screen?

Hello everyone,
I recently made my Manjaro look like BigSur, after watching this video-

But I can't help but notice that in the Splash Screen Animation looks kinda weird, because it's not a single circular line, but it rotates smoothly like this:

So I looked into the .qml code, and it only uses one image and a rotate-animation using QtQuick library, but there are some unused image sequence file.

Then I knew what to do, so I modified the code,

From doing this: = ❌

To do this: = ✅

And now it looks kinda neat and not out of place.

So tell me if this change is nice or if you have some suggestions of your own.

Thank you.

gtlsgamr commented 1 year ago

Hi, do you mind telling how you did this? I would like to implement it also.

Red-Luci4 commented 1 year ago

Hi, do you mind telling how you did this? I would like to implement it also.

Sure dude,

Finding your necessary files:

step 1 :

locate your custom “theme folder” location, more specifically the “looks and feel” folder, my folder is located in (because I've installed it locally) : /home/luci4/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel/

step 2 :

Choose the custom theme you want to modify, I have the following:

  1. Apple-Venture-Dark
  2. com.github.vinceliuice.WhiteSur-dark

NOTE: you can choose any of the above because both are almost the same except for the splash background, in my case I choose the second one.

step 3 :

Navigate to {Theme folder}/contents/splash/ :

NOTE: you should see a file called splash.qml and a folder called images

Create and Modify the required files:

step 1 :

Back up your existing file and folder

step 2:

Create necessary Extra files,

  1. Go to 'images' folder- {Theme folder}/contents/splash/images ( you should find images named : loading-00.svg to loading-11.svg)
  2. Make a copy of loading-00.svg to loading-12.svg. NOTE: now you should have 13 files from – loading-00.svg to loading-12.svg - where the images loading-00.svg and loading-12.svg look alike.
  3. Now remove all the extra 'zeros' in the file names. E.g., rename loading-00.svg to loading-0.svg, loading-01.svg to loading-1.svg, and so on.

step 3:

Modify the splash.qml

  1. Go to the 'splash' folder – {Theme folder}/contents/splash ( you should find a .qml file called – Splash.qml**)
  2. open the Splash.qml in any text editor
  3. find this code: (its a container with id:busyIndicator) Image { id: busyIndicator //in the middle of the remaining space y: parent.height - (parent.height - logo.y) / 2 - height/2 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter source: "images/loading-00.svg" sourceSize.height: units.gridUnit * 1.5 sourceSize.width: units.gridUnit * 1.5 RotationAnimator on rotation { id: rotationAnimator from: 0 to: 360 duration: 800 loops: Animation.Infinite }
  4. replace it with the following: Image { id: busyIndicator //in the middle of the remaining space property int currentImage:0 y: parent.height - (parent.height - logo.y) / 2 - height/2 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter source: "images/loading-"+currentImage+".svg" sourceSize.height: units.gridUnit * 1.5 sourceSize.width: units.gridUnit * 1.5 NumberAnimation on currentImage { from: 0 to: 12 duration: 1012 loops: Animation.Infinite }

after modifying, try previewing in the settings

gtlsgamr commented 1 year ago

Seems to be failing for some reason. I cannot find the logs either. I guess I will leave it be.

Red-Luci4 commented 1 year ago

Can you send me your .qml file?

Red-Luci4 commented 1 year ago

Or you can replace your loading-00.svg with this : Loading PNG Loading PNG