vinceliuice / grub2-themes

Modern Design theme for Grub2
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.41k stars 240 forks source link

New Icons: antiX, FreeDOS, Lakka, RetroArch, SliTaz, Tails #140

Open Tabaluga opened 2 years ago

Tabaluga commented 2 years ago

Dear @vinceliuice , \ dear @stuarthayhurst ,

thanks for your continued development and support for your themes.

Today, I've created seven new icons for your themes:

  1. antiX
  2. FreeDOS
  3. Lakka
  4. Lakka (colored version)
  5. RetroArch (alternative icon for Lakka, Retropie ...)
  6. SliTaz
  7. Tails


I created these symbols based on the official symbols, edited them using your template assets/logos-color.svg and added them as simple code.

Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Best regards

  1. antiX

    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 135.47 135.47"><path fill="#f30" d="M135.46 67.74A67.73 67.73 0 1 1 0 67.74a67.73 67.73 0 0 1 135.47 0z"/><path fill="#fff" d="m71.72 31.24-7.88.1c-13.92 24.27-27.88 48.5-41.75 72.79 3.73.1 7.46-.01 11.18-.02 11.51-20 22.92-40.07 34.55-60 4.71 7.92 9.22 15.97 13.82 23.96-6.81 12.01-13.66 24-20.43 36.05 17.39.06 34.79.25 52.17-.12a2870.64 2870.64 0 0 0-20.59-36.01l15.62-27.38c-3.67-.02-7.35-.13-11.02-.02-3.55 5.78-6.79 11.76-10.17 17.65l-15.5-27zm15.5 46.52c3.18 5.57 6.4 11.1 9.52 16.7-6.36.17-12.73.08-19.1.1 3.22-5.58 6.39-11.2 9.58-16.8z" paint-order="stroke fill markers"/></svg>
  2. FreeDOS

    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 134.46 134.46"><path fill="#86a2c8" d="M67.23 0a67.23 67.23 0 1 1 0 134.46A67.23 67.23 0 0 1 67.23 0z"/><g fill="#fff"><path d="M60.88 24.97c-.7 0-1.4.02-2.1.06-.67.04-1.96.12-2.94.2-12.48.9-22.3 7.24-30.72 19.72-4.77 7.12-6.18 11.47-8.84 27.16a47.22 47.22 0 0 0-.16 7.94c.31 6.15.04 5.52 3.29 2.46 2.35 3.83 4.11a32 32 0 0 0 3.4 4.03l.99.74-1.22 2.63c-1.88 3.99-1.76 9.5.2 9.5.74 0 3.6-2.07 5.75-4.14l1.76-1.72 3.91 1.52c13.94 5.44 30.57 4.23 43.48-3.13l3.45-2 1.33 1.5c.74.85 2.34 2.77 3.52 4.26 4.03 5 4.81 5.44 5.8 3.05 1.6-3.76 1.2-6.96-1.65-14.24l-.7-1.84 2.7-2.59c3.24-3.09 2.85-3 4.61-.7 2.46 3.29 7.55 7.04 11.47 8.53 2.74 1.02 2.11-3.05 4.5-5.36 6.5-6.3 1.6-.74 1.68-1.25.5-2.34-2-1.8-5.94-2.28-9.2-1.14-1.95.7-2.3.47-2.81-1.76-6-26.65-23.15-43.1-44.7-43zm.28 2.67a41.6 41.6 0 0 1 9.75.95c6.61 1.65 11.58 4.58 16.47 9.74 8.73 9.32 13.7 20.47 16.16 1.33-.94 2.16-1.8 6.5-2.93 9.2-2.3 1.06.2 1.02.27-2.46 3.87-6.07 6.26-6.42 10.76-1.34 1.1.32 1.1-1.92 0-10.37-9.16-10.18-11.04.24-2.35-2.9-.7-4.77 2.55a14.9 14.9 0 0 1-2.04 2.62l-1.05.98-1.1-1.33c-1.01-1.18-1.17-1.26-1.92-.75l-.78.55.78 1.33c2.47 4 5.01 11.35 5.05 14.28 0 3.25-.94 3.21-3.25-.15-1.8-2.7-6.88-8.22-8.13-8.84-2.67-1.42-4.15-.48-2.12 1.32 2 1.73 2 1.73-2.97 4.46-9.08 4.97-30.49 6.19-38.35 2.23-4.35-2.23-11.23-7.47-12.96-9.86l-.82- 2.55.66 4.54 1.2 8.02 2.2 30.3 2.55 34.55.56 5.56-2.59 6.19-6.3.7-4.23-9.73 3.72-29.81 2.62-41.78-2.23-2.9-1.17-5.52-2.27-5.84-2.39-.7-.27-.35-12.68.51-17.69 2.35-13.73 9.7-26.88 18.36-32.79.9-.63 2.3-1.56 3.13-2.15 3.76-2.59 12.25-4.19 20.07-4.24zM29.72 99.41c.39-.04.79.32 1.43 1.22.78 1.3-1.72 1.17-4.35 2.62-4.54 2.42-.35-.35.55-3.05 1.33-4.02.4-.5.7-.77 1-.8z"/><path d="M33.39 66.68a6.7 6.7 0 0 0-3.46.77c-4.65 2.5-6.06 10.92-2.38 14.28 6.1 5.68 14.63 1.57 14.75-7.08.06-4.22-4.58-7.84-8.91-7.97zm.2 1.97a6.05 6.05 0 0 1 3.27.84c4.35 2.7 5.01 6.02 2.08 10.13-4.7 6.53-14.17.47-11.24-7.2.86-2.29 3.37-3.72 5.89-3.77z"/><path d="M32.17 71.11c-3.68 1.53-3.1 7.87.74 8.19 1.73.15 2.43-.32 3.21-2.2 1.64-3.94-.58-7.35-3.95-5.99zm3.1 1.73c. 2.38-1.09 3.2.19zm15.3-3.17c-.58 0-1.19.1-1.81.28-5.95 1.8-5.75 10.96.31 13.15 2.62.9 4.15.7 5.75-.78 4.72-4.5 1.37-12.67-4.25-12.65zm-.18 1.92c.62 0 1.27.17 1.93.52 3.44 1.8 3.95 5.67 1.1 8.69-2.4 2.54-6.97-.4-6.97-4.39 0-2.93 1.74-4.86 3.94-4.82z"/><path d="M48.6 74.13c-1.67 2.58-.27 6.53 2.09 5.8 2.3-.75 3.2-1.88 3.2-4.07 0-2.47-3.96-3.76-5.28-1.73zm3.34.35c.62.75.18 1.33-.79 1.1-.94-.23-1.33-.74-.98-1.3.36-.54 1.21-.47 1.77.2z"/></g></svg>
  3. Lakka

    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 135.47 135.47"><path d="M135.46 67.74A67.73 67.73 0 1 1 0 67.74a67.73 67.73 0 0 1 135.47 0z"/><g fill="#fff" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" paint-order="stroke fill markers"><path d="M67.68 8.46c-3.95 0-5.82.44-9.6 2.24-5.48 2.6-10.23 8.55-11.67 14.64-.56 2.37-.48 7.78.19 10.23a20.8 20.8 0 0 0 2.03 5.01c3.07 5.47 8.4 9.66 14.29 10.94 11.07 2.41 21.76-3.74 25.53-14.75.67-1.98 1-4.5 1-6.96l-.02-.52a19.97 19.97 0 0 0-.69-4.8l-.1-.31a20.58 20.58 0 0 0-5.72-9.34c-2.31-2.34-3.21-2.99-5.64-4.14-3.77-1.8-5.64-2.24-9.6-2.24z"/><path d="M43.62 25.66a23.55 23.55 0 0 0-9 2.45 21.96 21.96 0 0 0-11.5 24.06c1.8 8.48 9.45 15.7 17.95 16.95a31.8 31.8 0 0 0 2.2.2h.34c-.06-.26-.14-.5-.16-.81-.08-.85-.14-1.82-.14-2.83 0-2.01.12-4.14.44-5.68a26.62 26.62 0 0 1 5.64-11.24l1.05-1.2-1.01-1.12a24.31 24.31 0 0 1-3.87-6.03 24.6 24.6 0 0 1-1.78-5.13 29.5 29.5 0 0 1-.5-5.8c0-1.01.05-2 .14-2.85.04-.39.13-.65.2-.98zm48.22.07v.05c.06.49.11 1.05.15 1.63.16 1.5.19 3.05.07 4.6-.04.9-.12 1.73-.24 2.43a24.66 24.66 0 0 1-6.3 12.45l-.62.64 1.06 1.19a27.22 27.22 0 0 1 5.68 11.3c.31 1.52.45 3.63.43 5.66a30 30 0 0 1-.13 2.81c-.02.33-.1.57-.16.84h.27c2.29 0 5.63-.93 8.6-2.33a18.9 18.9 0 0 0 4.9-3.39c4.95-4.93 6.95-9.61 6.95-16.06 0-8.55-4.37-15.6-12.08-19.48-2.43-1.22-3.85-1.6-8.6-2.34z"/><path d="M82.9 49.25a24.27 24.27 0 0 1-20.3 4.9h-.1l-.14-.04a23.53 23.53 0 0 1-9.88-4.85l-1.12 1.27a25.23 25.23 0 0 0-5.03 10.01 28.71 28.71 0 0 0-.37 5.12c0 .94.05 1.86.12 1.34.25 23.07 0 0 0 10.95 12.7c2.63 1.3 6.84 2.44 8.43 2.44h3.01c1.59 0 5.8-1.15 8.44-2.45a23.07 23.07 0 0 0 11.25-13.53 1.05 1.05 0 0 1-.03-.14c-.05-.5.08-.74.16-.96.04-.1.18-.71.25-1.45.07-.71.1-1.63.12-2.57 0-1.89-.13-3.97-.39-5.09A26.02 26.02 0 0 0 84 50.47z"/><path d="m106.16 66.77-.65.47c-.72.51-1.5 1-2.31 1.45a24.14 24.14 0 0 1-11.58 3.44h-.38l-.1.3a25.2 25.2 0 0 1-12.3 14.25 26.87 26.87 0 0 1-8.57 2.56c.92 2.5 2.9 5.68 4.74 1 1.03 1.23 0 .22.31 3.6 3.21 7.6 4.95 13.05 5.6l1.24.03 2.91.06c2.34.04 5.45.06 8.73.08l10.58.05-.15-12.01c-.06-4.29-.14-7.78-.24-10.32a50 50 0 0 0-.33-4.56 26.21 26.21 0 0 0-4.94-9.29zm-76.89.06-1.15 1.23a26.63 26.63 0 0 0-4.9 9.26c-.04.2-.22 2-.33 4.56-.1 2.55-.18 6.06-.24 10.36l-.16 12.04 12.04-.18c4.3-.05 7.8-.13 10.36-.23a50.6 50.6 0 0 0 4.55-.33A26.26 26.26 0 0 0 59 98.38c.18-.3.18-.24.24-.3.23-.27.61-.67 1.22-1.3a23.74 23.74 0 0 0 4.75-7.53 26.9 26.9 0 0 1-8.59-2.57 25.2 25.2 0 0 1-12.3-14.26l-.1-.31-.14-.02c-.43-.01-1.06-.08-1.73-.14a24 24 0 0 1-11.84-4.28zm38.46 23.2c-.22.66-.37 1.19-.88 2.34a19.71 19.71 0 0 1-3.6 5.56v12.03a613.52 613.52 0 0 0 .13 12.28l.07 1.32a4.92 4.92 0 0 0 2.75 3.15 4.27 4.27 0 0 0 5.56-2.38c.3-.77.47-2.92.47-13.92V97.93a19.71 19.71 0 0 1-3.61-5.56c-.5-1.15-.66-1.7-.89-2.34z"/></g></svg>
  4. Lakka (colored icon version)

    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 135.47 135.47"><path d="M135.46 67.74a67.73 67.73 0 1 1-135.47 0 67.73 67.73 0 0 1 135.47 0z"/><g stroke-width=".13"><path fill="#25ac5e" d="M65.76 126.65a5.8 5.8 0 0 1-3.55-4.13c-.1-.7-.21-6.8-.21-13.58V96.6l-1.34 1.26c-.75.67-.38.21.83-1a23.67 23.67 0 0 0 5.15-8.42c.27-.92.65-1.34 1.08-1.34.45 0 .8.42 1.1 1.34a23.72 23.72 0 0 0 5.15 8.42c1.2 1.21 1.58 1.67.8 1l-1.34-1.26v12.77c0 10.84-.05 12.99-.53 14.2a5.56 5.56 0 0 1-7.14 3.08z"/><path fill="#2dca6f" d="M22.04 91.44c.1-8.45.32-13.82.6-14.95a26.17 26.17 0 0 1 5.12-9.71l1.88-2.04 2.14 1.48a22 22 0 0 0 11.86 4c1.83 0 1.86.02 2.28 1.34a23.75 23.75 0 0 0 11.44 13.28c2.79 1.37 6.84 2.52 8.85 2.55 1 0 .94.35-.53 3.68a19.8 19.8 0 0 1-5.61 7.38A26.38 26.38 0 0 1 50 103.87c-1.12.27-6.49.48-14.94.59l-13.2.19zm66.98 12.88a23.35 23.35 0 0 1-13.63-5.9 19.8 19.8 0 0 1-5.6-7.35c-1.48-3.33-1.54-3.68-.54-3.68a23.75 23.75 0 0 0 20.31-15.83c.4-1.3.46-1.34 2.12-1.34 3.62 0 8.94-1.88 12.5-4.43l1.56-1.1 1.9 2.06a26.08 26.08 0 0 1 5.19 9.74c.27 1.13.48 6.47.59 14.93l.19 13.15-11.76-.06c-6.47 0-12.24-.1-12.83-.19z"/><path fill="#efc20e" d="M62.7 53.44A23.45 23.45 0 0 1 45.66 36.8a27.96 27.96 0 0 1-.2-10.73 23.67 23.67 0 0 1 12.2-15.3 19.86 19.86 0 0 1 10-2.3c4.03 0 6.23.53 10.04 2.33 2.47 1.15 3.6 1.99 5.9 4.32a21.87 21.87 0 0 1 5.96 9.72 22.86 22.86 0 0 1-26.84 28.6z"/><path fill="#e47d20" d="M89.75 70.67c.59-1.47.62-7.11.05-9.74a26.2 26.2 0 0 0-5.28-10.55l-1.83-2.04 1.42-1.5a23.1 23.1 0 0 0 5.85-11.6c.49-2.68.24-8.82-.35-9.55-.3-.34.03-.37 1.67-.13 4.9.78 6.5 1.2 9.04 2.47a22.2 22.2 0 0 1 12.61 20.37c0 6.63-2.2 11.7-7.24 16.72a23.27 23.27 0 0 1-14.63 6.17c-1.34 0-1.53-.08-1.34-.62z"/><path fill="#d15300" d="M41.47 70.89a23.3 23.3 0 0 1-18.76-17.72 22.9 22.9 0 0 1 12.02-25.14 23.94 23.94 0 0 1 9.58-2.58c1.35 0 1.53.08 1.3.62-.62 1.5-.62 7.2 0 9.93a25.39 25.39 0 0 0 5.25 10.38l1.8 1.96-1.85 2.07a25.5 25.5 0 0 0-5.23 10.47c-.54 2.65-.54 8.29.05 0-2.09-.16-3.19-.32z"/><path fill="#f19b11" d="M64.04 87.77A23.83 23.83 0 0 1 48.58 77.6a22.92 22.92 0 0 1 2.2-27.65c1-1.2 1.48-2.06 1.32-2.33a25.5 25.5 0 0 0 10.81 5.63c6.28 1.35 12.5.03 18.06-3.75l2.1-1.42 1.8 2a22.81 22.81 0 0 1-11 37.1c-2.42.72-7.17.99-9.83.59z"/></g></svg>
  5. RetroArch

    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 135.47 135.47"><path d="M135.46 67.73A67.73 67.73 0 1 1 0 67.73a67.73 67.73 0 0 1 135.47 0z"/><path fill="#fff" d="m43.04 35.63 9.88 14.82H33.16l-3.28 9.88h-10.3l3.7-14.82h-7.4L8.47 75.14h17.78l-2.16 9.88h16.48L28.22 99.84h14.82l9.88-14.82h29.63l9.88 14.82h14.82L94.9 85.02h17.28l-2.96-9.88H127l-7.4-29.63h-7.42l3.7 14.82h-11.1l-2.47-9.88H82.55l9.88-14.82h-7.4l-9.89 14.82H60.33l-9.88-14.82zm-2.47 22.23h12.35V70.2H40.57zm41.98 0H94.9V70.2H82.55z"/></svg>
  6. SliTaz

    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 135.5 135.5"><circle cx="-79.4" cy="-1369.9" r="67.7" paint-order="stroke markers fill" transform="translate(147.1 1437.6)"/><path fill="#fff" d="M41.7 109.2a57 57 0 0 1-10.4-26.8c0-1.9 2-3.6 9.9-8.2 2.1-1.2 3.7-2.5 3.6-2.9-.2-.3-.6-.4-.8-.3a54.3 54.3 0 0 1-6.6 1 29 29 0 0 0-7 1.5 65 65 0 0 0-3.7 20l-.3 7.2-1-2.4a51 51 0 0 1-1-29.7c.7-.6 15.6-3.3 19-3.3 2.2-.1 2.1-1.3-.3-2.1a104.5 104.5 0 0 1-15.8-7.3c0-1.1 5.6-14.2 7.5-17.6a46 46 0 0 1 9-11.1 14.2 14.2 0 0 1-1.4 3.5 121 121 0 0 0-7 20c-.3 2.5-.1 2.6 7.6 5.6l6.3 2.5c2.2 1 .7-1.1-3.6-5a26 26 0 0 1-5-5.2c-.8-2.8 9.7-17.5 16.7-23.5 4.8-4 5-3.8 1.5.7a50.3 50.3 0 0 0-10.3 18.3l-.8 2.7 2.8 3c3.2 3.5 8.5 8 9.3 8 .3 0 .9-1.4 1.3-3.2a11 11 0 0 1 3.6-6.5s1.9-2.6 3.2-3a9 9 0 0 1 6.2.5 7.7 7.7 0 0 1 1.9 1.5c2.2 2 3.2 5.4 2.6 9.3-.3 2.8-.3 2.8 1 2 4-2.2 14-9.8 15.1-11.3.7-1 0-7.6-1.3-12a50.6 50.6 0 0 0-3.4-8.4 17.6 17.6 0 0 1-2.1-4.5c.6-.6 5.9 6 8.5 10.5 3.4 6 6.2 14.8 5 16.3-.3.5-3.5 3-6.8 5.3a21.6 21.6 0 0 0-5.4 4.5 55 55 0 0 0 8.5-2.6c6.3-2.3 8-3.2 8.4-4.2.6-1.9-.4-17-1.5-21.4a11.9 11.9 0 0 1-.7-4c.4-.4 2.4 2.7 4.4 7a57.4 57.4 0 0 1 4.3 19v4.2l-6.9 2.7a208.4 208.4 0 0 1-9.9 3.7c-1.7.5-3 1.2-3 1.4 0 .3 4 1.2 9 2 5 .7 9.6 1.6 10.2 2 1.1.6 1 1.6-1.5 12.1a60.4 60.4 0 0 1-7.1 18c-1.6 2.4-1.7 1.6-.6-2.6a122.8 122.8 0 0 0 2.6-19.4c0-1.5-.2-2.8-.6-3a36.7 36.7 0 0 0-5.9-1.3c-9.2-1.5-10-1.1-4.4 2.5 4.5 2.9 7.5 5.8 7.5 6.9a72.5 72.5 0 0 1-20.4 30l-1.7 1.4 1.1-1.6a68.8 68.8 0 0 0 9.3-15.1c3-7 4.4-12.2 3.5-13.6a52.8 52.8 0 0 0-12.2-9c-.3 0-.6 1.5-.3 4.5a34.2 34.2 0 0 1-3 16.3c-7.9 17.8-24.2 17.5-27.4-.3a31 31 0 0 1 1.1-15.5 19.9 19.9 0 0 0 1-4.7c-.2-.4-2.7 1-8 4.5-6.9 4.4-7 4.5-7 9.5 0 6.4 1.4 12.3 4.3 18.8a43 43 0 0 1 2.3 5.7 35.7 35.7 0 0 1-3.1-3.5z"/></svg>
  7. Tails

    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 134.46 134.46"><path fill="#5c3566" d="M67.24 0a67.23 67.23 0 1 1 0 134.45 67.23 67.23 0 0 1 0-134.46z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M102.93 64.22c-.04 5.15.07 10.31-.06 15.45-1.27.07-2.32-1.69-3.48-2.37-1.75-1.6-3.89-2.88-5.4-4.71-.5-1.25.4-2.94-1.26-3.53-3.65-2.63-6.36-7.09-5.92-11.69.98-3.76 4.67-.92 6.37.7 1.42 1.72-.26-3.31 1.67-1.38 2.59 2.3 5.52 4.26 7.87 6.77l.2.76zm-11.4-4.82c-4.3-2.21-2.03 5.62.53 6.45 1.4 1.49 2.1 1.54 1.74-.67-.2-1.36.44-3.13-.36-4.21l-1.92-1.57zm10.81 38.25c.96-.61.4-1.91-.57-2.29L82.94 79.93l.08-49.2c-1.43-1.46-3.39.12-4.85.79l-10.44 5.23c.82 1 2.81 1.43 2.75 2.86l.1 37.67-20-16.46c-.04-12.77.08-25.57-.08-38.33-.54-1.3-2.33-.5-3.2.07-5.1 2.6-10.32 5.1-15.37 7.76-.79 1.44-.12 3.27-.34 4.85.05 11.62-.06 23.34.09 34.9.87 1.24 2.52 2.06 3.65 3.2l14.7 12.23c-.08 3.48-.38 7.09-.33 10.48 1.14 1.45 3.02 2.39 4.4 3.68l16.26 12.89c1.8.6 3.38-1.15 5.06-1.72 8.96-4.53 18-8.93 26.9-13.53v.23zm-59.93-34.1-6.31-4.88v4.2c.73.8 3.37 1.73 2.8 2.43L34 67.76l-.02-35.73 8.3-4.16.08 9.12-5.9-4.71c.14 1.4-.25 3.07.19 4.33l5.74 4.57.09 4.5-6.08-4.86c.13 1.4-.26 3.07.18 4.33l5.93 4.72-.03 4.89-6-4.8c.14 1.42-.26 3.08.18 4.34l5.84 4.64c-.08 1.5.23 3.25-.1 4.6zm13.08 23L35.26 69.93l13.98-7 20.22 16.63-13.98 7zM44.88 26.57c1.02-.23 3.28-2.47 2.8-.24l.3 34.44c-1.04.23-3.29 2.47-2.81.24l-.3-34.44zm9.5 27.11v-6.06l4.99 3.9v6.07l-4.99-3.9zm4.99-6.96-5-3.9v-6.07l5 3.9v6.07zm4.16-2.87c3.01 4.38 5.05 10.3 3.18 15.5-1.98 3.3-3.97.78-3.18-1.84V43.85z"/></svg>