vincent-hugot / qtest

Inline (Unit) Tests for OCaml
GNU General Public License v3.0
67 stars 8 forks source link

Name of the package #42

Closed copy closed 6 years ago

copy commented 7 years ago

As it currently stands, this library has three names:

I think these should be unified under a single name to avoid confusion (especially for newcomers).

vincent-hugot commented 7 years ago

I think you're right.

I at some point wanted to rename everything to iteml, because it's a nice acronym and (mainly) because it's unused elsewhere and thus immensely more searchable than "qtest". Everyone and their aunt's second cousin's mother have some piece of software matching "qtest" in a search, it seems. This one is not even in the 5 first Google search pages.

Unfortunately it started out under that name, so it's difficult to change it now. I would have cut the gordian knot by naming the new-and-improved, compatibility-breaking-but-so-awesome-everyone-would-want-to-switch new version iTeML and leaving the old version as qtest.

Of course, the shiny new version never came.

Still, I think it would be a good thing to rename. Possibly not as iTeML -- that's the best I could come up with, but I'm double-plus-ungood at naming things -- but something that fits the same bill of uniqueness.

Having said that, I now gleefully leave such conundrums in the hands of the current maintainer.

c-cube commented 7 years ago

Well, I agree the current state of things is sorry. For a start, I should have kept qcheck a separate lib and have added it as a regular dependency for qtest. It might still be time to revert this decision and move the random testing part to the qcheck repository again. As for the name of this project, I prefer qtest (never had a problem googling it, especially on opam ;), which is also the name of the tool and the one used in batteries.

c-cube commented 7 years ago

I am in the process of moving back the random testing into qcheck (as it was, and is still, confusing to many users). I will shortly remove it from qtest and just rely on a dependency for the generated code.

UnixJunkie commented 7 years ago

qtest and qheck for those two different things are good names. I always disliked this iTeML name.

c-cube commented 6 years ago

Taking another look at this issue:

So, I think we'll continue to have this named as qtest on opam and ocamlfind. if @vincent-hugot wants the rename the repository to qtest it's even better but it's probably not very important.

vincent-hugot commented 6 years ago

Renamed to qtest.

vincent-hugot commented 6 years ago

Note that renaming broke md5 for opam.

c-cube commented 6 years ago

Right. I will make a new release soon anyway, with the fix to #49.