As a user with color blindness, I want to know the difference between each build status so that I can actually use the app
Currently, the indicator is just plain old red, green, yellow circles. These are not accessible as if you have color blindness, they'd all look the same. Instead, we should use tick icon for successful, cross icon for fail and play icon for running builds.
Acceptance Criteria
AC 1 : Icon Indicator
I have a project
Build is successful
The indicator should be green circle with tick icon cut out in middle
I have a project
Build is failed
The indicator should be red circle with cross icon cut out in middle
I have a project
Build is running
The indicator should be yellow circle with play icon cut out in middle
Value Statement
As a user with color blindness, I want to know the difference between each build status so that I can actually use the app
Currently, the indicator is just plain old red, green, yellow circles. These are not accessible as if you have color blindness, they'd all look the same. Instead, we should use tick icon for successful, cross icon for fail and play icon for running builds.
Acceptance Criteria
AC 1 : Icon Indicator