vincent-zurczak / fluentbit-configuration-for-k8s-and-graylog

A sample configuration to collect logs with Fluentbit in a K8s environement and targeting a Graylog server
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fixed [error] [flb_msgpack_to_gelf] missing short_message key #2

Closed mrybas closed 5 years ago

mrybas commented 5 years ago

after removing

         Name modify        
         Match *        
         Rename log short_message       
         Rename date timestamp      
         Rename stream _stream      
         Rename timestamp _timestamp        
         Rename pod_name _k8s_pod_name      
         Rename namespace_name _k8s_namespace_name      
         Rename pod_id _k8s_pod_id      
         Rename labels _k8s_labels      
         Rename container_name _k8s_container_name      
         Rename docker_id _docker_id        
         Add version 1.1

there is no short_message variable

oscarlofwenhamn commented 5 years ago

This is what I've found as well. However, are you able to get logs into Graylog after making this change?

I just made the edit after finding the previous error messages, and while it no longer complains on the lack of a key I get the following:

[2019/07/18 11:39:16] [ info] [storage] initializing...
[2019/07/18 11:39:16] [ info] [storage] in-memory
[2019/07/18 11:39:16] [ info] [storage] normal synchronization mode, checksum disabled
[2019/07/18 11:39:16] [ info] [engine] started (pid=1)
[2019/07/18 11:39:16] [ info] [filter_kube] https=1 host=kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local port=443
[2019/07/18 11:39:16] [ info] [filter_kube] local POD info OK
[2019/07/18 11:39:16] [ info] [filter_kube] testing connectivity with API server...
[2019/07/18 11:39:21] [ info] [filter_kube] API server connectivity OK
[2019/07/18 11:39:21] [ info] [http_server] listen iface= tcp_port=2020
[2019/07/18 11:39:22] [error] [plugins/out_gelf/gelf.c:323 errno=104] Connection reset by peer
[2019/07/18 11:39:34] [ warn] [engine] Task cannot be retried: task_id=6 thread_id=2 output=gelf.0

Have you made further edits to the files apart from the IP and now this?

oscarlofwenhamn commented 5 years ago

I managed to figure it out. Weirdly enough, I can't get it to work using a GELF HTTP input, as is described in the blog post, but a GELF TCP input made it work immediately (after making this edit). Are you using a HTTP or TCP input?

mrybas commented 5 years ago

Hi! I use gelf udp

vincent-zurczak commented 5 years ago


I will most likely update the blog post to mention this. Then, one might consider GELF limitations, mostly about message size.