vincentarelbundock / countrycode

R package: Convert country names and country codes. Assigns region descriptors.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Countries missing in iso2c #291

Closed lucazav closed 1 year ago

lucazav commented 2 years ago

Canary Islands (IC) and Netherlands Antilles (AN) are missing in iso2c

cjyetman commented 2 years ago

Technically speaking, in iso2c "AN" is "Transitionally reserved" and "IC" is "Exceptionally reserved". {countrycode} only includes "Officially assigned" codes from iso2c because unofficial codes can be (and are) used inconsistently across various data sources. You can see the official list of codes here

To deal with data that uses unofficial codes, you can use the custom_match argument of coutnrycode()...


countries <- c("Canary Islands", "Netherlands Antilles")
custom_codes <- c("Canary Islands" = "IC", "Netherlands Antilles" = "AN")

countrycode(countries, "", "iso2c", custom_match = custom_codes)
#> [1] "IC" "AN"
vincentarelbundock commented 2 years ago

ISO2c appears to publish an "official" list of:

  1. Officially assigned code elements
  2. Exceptionally reserved code elements
  3. Transitionally reserved code elements
  4. Indeterminately reserved code elements
  5. Formerly assigned code elements
  6. User-assigned code elements

@cjyetman I keep getting requests for this, and at some point there is a "market test". Should we include categories 1, 2, 3 in the dictionary?

NilsEnevoldsen commented 2 years ago

Many of categories 2 and 3 wouldn't apply to countrycode anyway, either because they aren't "countries" or because of 1:1 issues. It would be good to see which codes such a change would actually add.