vincentarelbundock / countrycode

R package: Convert country names and country codes. Assigns region descriptors.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing G-W <1900 extinct polities #320

Open JoeNoonan opened 1 year ago

JoeNoonan commented 1 year ago

There are several polities that exist in G-W before the 19th century, that are now extinct, that are missing from both countrycode::countrylist and countrycode::codelist_panel.

Here is a (possibly incomplete) list:

gwcode | country_name | start | end -- | -- | -- | -- 89 | United Provinces of Central America | 1823-07-01 | 1839-12-31 563 | Transvaal | 1852-01-01 | 1910-05-30 564 | Orange Free State | 1854-03-28 | 1910-05-30 711 | Tibet | 1913-01-01 | 1950-10-01 815 | Vietnam (Annam/Cochin China/Tonkin) | 1816-01-01 | 1893-01-01

Some of these units appear in other datasets in the countrylist data frame (United Provinces of Central America is in Polity as is Orange Free State) while others are totally absent (Transvaal, Tibet).

Vietnam is a bit difficult, because G-W codes Vietnam three different times: Vietnam (Annam/Cochin China/Tonkin) 1816-01-01 to 1893-01-01, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of 1954-05-01 to now, and Vietnam, Republic of, 1954-05-01to 1975-04-30. In the countrylist dataset on V-Dem codes are available <1954.

vincentarelbundock commented 1 year ago

@JoeNoonan Thanks a lot for raising this issue, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I don't have any bandwidth to deal with this right now, but the issue is in the repo and will eventually get addressed. Sorry for the delay!