vincentarelbundock / marginaleffects

R package to compute and plot predictions, slopes, marginal means, and comparisons (contrasts, risk ratios, odds, etc.) for over 100 classes of statistical and ML models. Conduct linear and non-linear hypothesis tests, or equivalence tests. Calculate uncertainty estimates using the delta method, bootstrapping, or simulation-based inference
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Support: sdmTMB #1136

Closed sschooler closed 3 months ago

sschooler commented 4 months ago

It works through a similar method as glmmTMB, but it does have the spatial/temporal random fields, which may make it harder to deal with. It supposedly functions with emmeans, but I've been running into the "contrasts can only be applied to factors with 2 or more levels" error.

vincentarelbundock commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to look into it if/when I have time.

vincentarelbundock commented 3 months ago

Closing this issue, not because I am not interested (I am!), but because all model support requests are consolidated in the linked thread to keep the list of issues more manageable.

I would be glad to review Pull Requests, and will try to have a look when I can (but my day job keeps me very busy these days).