vincentarelbundock / modelsummary

Beautiful and customizable model summaries in R.
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`shape` wide: column span for GOF #769

Closed vincentarelbundock closed 1 month ago

vincentarelbundock commented 1 month ago

vincentarelbundock commented 1 month ago

This is probably very hard to implement, except perhaps in tinytable. This doesn't quite work:

    statistic = c("OR", "std.error"),
    shape = term ~ model + statistic) |>
    tinytable::style_tt(i = 4, j = 2, colspan = 3, align = "c") |>
    tinytable::style_tt(i = 4, j = 6, colspan = 3, align = "c")
vincentarelbundock commented 1 month ago

Hard + Niche. Won't fix but would be happy to review a pull request.