vincentarelbundock / modelsummary

Beautiful and customizable model summaries in R.
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Pre-set aesthetics for tables #777

Closed Chris-Larkin closed 1 month ago

Chris-Larkin commented 1 month ago

modelsummary is clearly an impressive and highly customizable function. For me, and I suspect this is true for a lot of [would-be] users, i don't want to have customize though; i just want the package to work. I appreciate this might sound a bit entitled but it'd great if a user could output tables in stargazer's classic format, for example, or per various journals' formatting guidelines. My sense is this will significantly improve ease of adoption.

Some more specific things i'd love to be able to do but can't find a way to (yet):

Just some thoughts. I do not have the technical skill to write PRs for these items; i'm (mostly) just a humble user. Thanks for all your work

vincentarelbundock commented 1 month ago


You can move the intercept to the bottom using coef_map.

The font should be changed in the document. I consider it bad practice to change this setting at the table level, because documents and tables get different fonts.

The white space can be controlled by the table drawing package. For instance, if you use tinytable (the default) you can read that package documentation to figure out how to change padding. Same for gt, kableExtra, etc.

You can get ASCII tables with output="markdown". The document explains how to set a global option to make that default.

There is already support for themes. In my experience, tables are much less standardized than wed think within publishers and journals. So it is difficult to implement themes. I'll be happy to consider submissions if someone makes one.

FWIW, I mildly dislike the stargazer defaults, so I will not implement that team, but might be open to contributions.

Chris-Larkin commented 1 month ago

Thanks for this. I'll see what I can do about building a custom theme.

And that's fair on stargazer defaults.