This is a minor request, but I would find it helpful if there were a LaTeX option that spit out a table fragment (i.e., just the rows with data, no column names, lines, etc.). This would allow users to build their own LaTeX table environment around output. Below I provide an example of how I currently hack my to do this:
# Generate example data
toy_data <- data.frame(
id = 1:10,
age = sample(18:65, 10, replace = TRUE),
income = round(rnorm(10, mean = 50000, sd = 10000)),
education = sample(c("High School", "Bachelor's", "Master's", "PhD"), 10, replace = TRUE)
# Print tinytable in LaTeX
table <- tt(toy_data) %>% save_tt("latex")
table_cl <- sub("(?s).*?\\\\midrule(.*?)\\\\bottomrule.*", "\\1", table, perl = TRUE)
This is a minor request, but I would find it helpful if there were a LaTeX option that spit out a table fragment (i.e., just the rows with data, no column names, lines, etc.). This would allow users to build their own LaTeX table environment around output. Below I provide an example of how I currently hack my to do this:
Thanks for all the work on this!