vincentb1 / fmtcount

Source for LaTeX fmtcount package
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Use \newcommand* + \global\let instead of \gdef #2

Open vincentb1 opened 11 years ago

vincentb1 commented 11 years ago

To have both existence sanity check + globality.

vincentb1 commented 11 years ago

I have done the changes and pushed them to the repo, but I did no tests. There is really a need to have automated non regression tests. Any suggestion where to put this into the code tree. I propose some test subdirectory under trunk. test would contain some test script (or makefile) and a list of reference testnn.tex file and corresponding outputs The test would be to compare the outputs of testnn.tex to the reference ones.

Any comment... ?

nlct commented 11 years ago

Yes, I think a test subdirectory would be a good idea.

vincentb1 commented 11 years ago

Thank you for your answer, I have started to put this in place based on TeX4ht.

Now, there is some compilation problem when \thesection is redefined to \ordinal{section} or something like that. Not clear whether TeX4ht is the only one to blame. I am also looking into that.