vincentbernat / dashkiosk-android

Android application for Dashkiosk
10 stars 7 forks source link

Manage wifi settings #2

Open anthonywebb opened 9 years ago

anthonywebb commented 9 years ago

If this app could apply wifi credentials it could be the app the device booted and was locked into. Is it on the roadmap at all to allow for network management from the dashkiosk settings?

vincentbernat commented 9 years ago

That's not on the roadmap.

I am unsure to understand. Why not just configuring the device directly?

anthonywebb commented 9 years ago

Some beginner users have a hard time navigating around the settings looking for where they need to manage network/wifi settings. I am looking for a single purpose self contained device and interface where they are only presented with the necessary settings and options to get their kiosk running.

vincentbernat commented 9 years ago

I would prefer to keep this Android app manageable in term of functionalities to be supported and would dread to have to provide support for a whole embedded network manager. What could be added is a way to keep the wifi enabled (in case you have a device that would suspend wifi if there is no user activity). However, from my point of view, this is already the case because the application is set to stay fullscreen.