vincentbernat / snimpy

interactive SNMP tool with Python
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Add how to add an new MIB path into the documentation #102

Closed robertcheramy closed 10 months ago

robertcheramy commented 1 year ago

If you add new MIBs to your system, say cisco MIBs with snmp-mibs-downloader (debian), you have to tell snimpy where to find them (/var/lib/mibs/cisco). Using /etc/snmp.conf does not work, as snimpy uses libsmi, so you have to add the path to /etc/smi.conf or $HOME/.smirc, as documented in man smi_config.

It would be very useful to add this information in the documentation of snimpy, because it is not easy for a user to find this out.

vincentbernat commented 1 year ago

Please, do a pull request to suggest an update of the documentation.