vincentgruse / COSC612-IntelliChef

Team 3
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Task 4: System Requirements #10

Open vincentgruse opened 4 months ago

vincentgruse commented 4 months ago
  1. Use Cases - Vince & Sowmya

Use Case no.: Use Case Name: Actors: Description: Alternate Path: Pre-condition:

  1. Requirements - Vince & Sowmya

Requirement number: Use Case number: Introduction: Inputs: Requirements Description: Outputs:

  1. Use Case Diagram - Vince

-Give a Use Case diagram for one of the use cases that you have for the project. For example, if you have 12 use cases for your project, you can select one of those and represent that using a use case diagram.

-NOTE: You must use Microsoft Visio to draw use case diagrams. Any similar applications used for diagrams works, as long as it has capabilities to produce UML diagrams or their equivalents.

-Refer page 146 Figure 5.5 for use case diagram. -Also take a look at the following link to get a better understanding.