vincentgruse / COSC612-IntelliChef

Team 3
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Task 5: System Modeling (Analysis) #14

Open vincentgruse opened 9 months ago

vincentgruse commented 9 months ago
  1. Class Diagrams (object Modeling, or structural modeling): (Ch5, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3) • Identify objects. • What are the associations between them? • What is their multiplicity? • What are the attributes of the objects? • What operations are defined on the objects? • Create system class diagram.

NOTE: You must use Microsoft Visio to draw use case diagrams. Any similar applications used for diagrams works, as long as it has capabilities to produce UML diagrams or their equivalents.

  1. Database specification and analysis: • Specify your system database tables (data attributes and their types) and relationship between them (Primary Keys and Foreign Keys) • Specify the type of database management system (MySQL, MS-SQL server, Oracle, etc.) you will use in your project