vincentgruse / COSC612-IntelliChef

Team 3
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Task 6: Report #15

Open vincentgruse opened 4 months ago

vincentgruse commented 4 months ago
  1. Report Format: • First page has (individual page): the project title, group name, members’ names, semester, and year. • Font size 12, Font type is times new roman, single space between lines. • All paragraphs must Text Justified. • Pages are numbered • Diagrams and tables must be centered.

  2. Report Sections: (remember to revise and refine your system) • Planning and Scheduling. – Task 1 • Problem Statement -- Task 3 • System Requirements – Task 4 o User Requirements (Use Cases and Use case diagram) o Requirements • System Modeling – Task 5 • Appendix: Have all the screen shots in this section. – Task 2

  3. Report Submission: you will submit the report electronically as a PDF file: • The file you submit should be named coordinatorName_Groupnumber.pdf For example – Jane Doe is the coordinator and group number is 5 – the submission must be JaneDoe_5.pdf • Only the team coordinator should submit the report.