vincentkok / gradle-gatling

Gradle project to demonstrate Gradle and Gatling integration
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Improvement for source set #1

Open matlockx opened 11 years ago

matlockx commented 11 years ago

Maybe it's a better idea to use a dedicated source set for load-tests when u r using your stub for other projects, e.g. like this:

   def loadTestSourceDir = 'src/load-test/scala'
   def loadTestResourceDir = 'src/load-test/resources'

   repositories {
       maven { url "" }

   configurations {
       loadTestRuntime { extendsFrom loadTestCompile }

   sourceSets {
       loadTest {
           scala.srcDir file(loadTestSourceDir)
           resources.srcDir file(loadTestResourceDir)
           compileClasspath = configurations.loadTestCompile
           runtimeClasspath = output + compileClasspath + configurations.loadTestRuntime

   dependencies {

   task gatling(dependsOn: 'compileLoadTestScala') << {
     logger.lifecycle(" ---- Executing all Gatling scenarios from: ${sourceSets.loadTest.output.classesDir} ----")
     sourceSets.loadTest.output.classesDir.eachFileRecurse { file ->
       if (file.isFile()) {
         //Remove the full path, .class and replace / with a .
         logger.debug("Tranformed file ${file} into")
         def gatlingScenarioClass = (file.getPath() - (sourceSets.loadTest.output.classesDir.getPath() + File.separator) - '    .class').replace(File.separator, '.')

         logger.debug("Tranformed file ${file} into scenario class ${gatlingScenarioClass}")
         javaexec {
             // I do not use this so
             main = ''
             classpath = sourceSets.loadTest.output + sourceSets.loadTest.runtimeClasspath
             args  '-sbf',

     logger.lifecycle(" ---- Done executing all Gatling scenarios ----")
kallekarlberg commented 11 years ago

Agree. I noticed that using test classes from .test. Also included my regular test classes. Un-good :-)

Also: since the Gatling dep pulls approx half the internet the dep-list in the IDE is a tad long.

Anyway. Thanks for the simple "plugin"