vincentwolsink / home_assistant_micronova_agua_iot

Home Assistant integration controlling heating devices connected via the Agua IOT platform of Micronova
Apache License 2.0
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Second duct controls missing #98

Closed merlino1975 closed 7 months ago

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

hi we've a problem (huston copy)

I installed the API for the nobis fire stove, my stove has 2 ducts, but as an entity in Home Assistant I only see 1 duct, the controls for the second duct are missing, then there would also be the room temperature sensors for both the first canalization and the second canalization.

integration is required


vincentwolsink commented 7 months ago

Hi, please provide a screenshot of the available entities and attach your diagnostic file.

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

config_entry-aguaiot-a475d1b727a4297411d5fb74935c487a.json.txt Screenshot 2023-11-13 11 06 44 I just do it

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

the stove is unica nobis fire and I can use pellet or wood

vincentwolsink commented 7 months ago

I found most of the required registers. But I don't see a separate temperature for the front fan. Can you maybe post a screenshot of how it looks in your Nobis app?

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

Screenshot_20231113_133422_Nobis-fi 1 is the rear (second) sensor temerature 2.. it s the first.... I can choise 2 setting ... to use the external thermostat (now I use it) or use the sensor temeprature in the stove remote control wich i don't know 'casuse if i active it the temperatrue in the display is 99°.....always....I'll write to nobis fire service....

vincentwolsink commented 7 months ago

Is there also a temperature setting for the rear vent? Can you maybe also post a screenshot of the "Regolazioni" tab?

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

Is that? Screenshot_20231113_213550_Nobis-fi

vincentwolsink commented 7 months ago

Please try v0.2.9-beta3

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

how i can try? i must update?...or...?

I'm sorry I'm a beginner

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

no no..okey I just do i mus to try....

only the temperature sensor of remote control I don't view wich work for the front is possibile wich i don't see that because is activated the external thermostat? the external termostat is an old termostat and it isn't swich off when the temperature target is archieved..and restart when the temerature go down...I think...1 grade celsius

thank you very very very much...wonderfull!!!

jipem01 commented 7 months ago

From stove point of viex external thermostat is just an on / off state.So HA could not see/set target temp nor current temp read by thermostatIt may only see thermostat input state (on or off) but currently it's not managed in HA.

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

very strange, because, for now I have only looked at the functions and have not tried them, but with the new beta release I see the temperature of the temperature probe of the second ducting and the temperature of its target

vincentwolsink commented 7 months ago

@merlino1975 Are things working for you now?

An external thermostat will only override the main temperature control, not of any ducts/canalizations. If you want to use the main temperature control in HA you have to switch to the stove's built-in thermostat.

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

I will try to be more precise in the description. I apologize for my poor English. The stove has the possibility of using 3 temperature sensors: 1) a sensor is present in the stove remote control 2) an external thermostat to which you can only give contact. Ton or T0ff (practically performs the task only as a switch for the stove: when the room temperature is lower than the set temperature then the stove has maximum power set, if the room temperature is higher than the one set then the stove has minimum power) 3) the temperature sensor for the secondary ducting in HA I would need the temperature sensor of the remote control but if you can't do it anyway. I should be able to create the routine using a temperature sensor from another device. For now I'm still testing, I'm trying to understand how to use the new entities, it's a bit difficult for me because I'm a beginner..

vincentwolsink commented 7 months ago

All the sensors you are talking about are currently implemented in the integration. But you need to select the correct temperature/thermostat for your stove to operate on in your stove’s app. If you do that Home Assistant will follow.

If you believe you are missing something, please make a screenshot of the corresponding control/sensor in your stove’s app.

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

Well...when term ext is attivate then in app Screenshot_20231117_002245_Nobis-fi When sensor remote control are attive the in app Screenshot_20231117_002338_WhatsApp

vincentwolsink commented 7 months ago

Both are implemented. But you need to reload the integration after switching thermostat mode in the stove app.

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-11-17 om 10 38 19 Scherm­afbeelding 2023-11-17 om 10 38 38
merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

I must update?

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago I see 13 entities....and is all okey..but...I don't undestand.. I wold like to schedule the power of pellet about a determinate temperature in envyroment..but when I search device stufa.Salotto..I see wood parameters...but i wuold like to see pellet parameters... he is a problem of my configuration or can you correct? in attach the pic. Screenshot 2023-11-21 21 48 12

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

in reality it is possible that it will have to program both types of fuel

vincentwolsink commented 7 months ago

The climate entity adjusts to the mode the stove currently is in. For a hybrid stove the individual stove and pellet power controls are also available as separate entities.

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

Okey...and I would like understand...what the entità of the power of pellet or wood...? Because I see only fan speed...but power and fan speed are tuo separate can have power four and fan speed two...for example...well..or i can use a Mode called "auto" wich set power and fan speed for to reach fast and in economy the scheduled temperature

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago

So I can use that... Screenshot_20231121_232952_Chrome

And Or that Screenshot_20231121_233041_Chrome

jipem01 commented 7 months ago

Screenshot_20231121-233717_Home Assistant

For hybrid stove you have access to Wood power and Pellet power entities. It's number entities, not climate attributes.

merlino1975 commented 7 months ago
