vincere-io / restful-api-support

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Need sample API usage demonstration in C#, Python or php or other platforms #3

Closed mostafizursunny closed 6 years ago

mostafizursunny commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am implementing api. I have generated API token and client id. Now, I am sending request as mentioned in "" GET

I have set my client id here and a test redirect_uri. I am getting invalid client error.

Do I need to add some subscription or configuration more to work with API? Is vincere API usage free ? It will be great, if some sample codes are shared to implement API call. I need to get all jobs / all candidates / all activity as json from API call.

Please advice.

mrbkiter commented 6 years ago

Hi @mostafizursunny

Could you provide full detail of your request and response? At which step you got stuck?

For Vincere APIs, if you are an existing customer, it's free for use. Unfortunately we haven't developed sample projects. It would be planned for future.

pradipkachhadiya commented 6 years ago

Hi @mostafizursunny , You first you have to buy one vincere domain from vincere support. Like After you login into system then there setting icon that has marketplace item. Click on marketplace there is second tab called Api

Generate one api_token and client_id and also set one callback_url for callback event after vincere login using oauth2.

Don't be hesitate. It's Simple to follow of your call.

mostafizursunny commented 6 years ago

Hi @pradipkachhadiya , Many thanks for the comment. I am registered user. I am seeing the sample curl call like:

curl -X GET -H "x-api-key: 2222222" -H "id-token:1111111"

Is x-api-key = Vincere API token from marketplace, and id-token = Client ID from marketplace ?

I am replacing the x-api-key and id-token collected from marketplace of my account and then issuing the curl call. But I am getting no response. Is the x-api-key and id-token are Vincere API token and Client ID of marketplace ?

mrbkiter commented 6 years ago

hi @mostafizursunny

x-api-key is the api-key you got from marketplace. For id-token it is the key you get from Vincere Identity.

Vincere has provided authentication using OAuth2, that has documented in Vincere Identity on github (

Please follow steps in the documentation and let me know if you have any questions.